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4 New Releases Now Up in The ToolBox

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As you can see from the attached picture, there's some new things in The ToolBox:




Reskin and some ini mods for the C-47B, recreate the 21st TCS in Korea;

F3D-2 Skyknight of VMF(N)-513 in Korea;

"Production" B-49A for Post-War and 'What If...' Korea;

"Later Production" B-49D for Cold War SAC, and SEA camo for Vietnam


Please note, the 2 Wings and Skyknight mods, while "complete" in all other respects, do NOT have the aircraft LOD files included. You'll need the original aircraft to copy them from.


The Skytrain, is just a skin. But you'll still need the aircraf to attach it too....


Full, detailed readmes (instructions and all that) are included in ALL these mods. So, please read them!!


Still to come:


Viking Mk3 (RAF B-49)

PB-1W Navy Fortress (AEW)


The link to the site it down below, in my signature.




Kevin Stein

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