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Guest Eject

End of Year's BIG Thanks to Admin/Founders etc

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Guest Eject

Till seconds ago since I became member of this multinational community of virtual Fighters


I have DL-ed sooo many Mods by so creative modders/skinners. My BIG thanks to all of u guys. Pardon my rusty English as I have left one BIG English-speaking country more than ten years now. Should I have, w/o my realizing so, hurt anyone's feeling due to my bla-bla-bla in written form here, my humble apology. I am only a mortal, not an angel.


I really enjoyed m stay here from day 1 till tonight. Whenever I had been away, as soon as I was home I was glued to this truly great, and fine Site.


Excuse me if I sound big-headed, I never enjoyed joining other Sites, the new ones that I felt being treated like a "slave" to have to update, update, and updates. Who gave these people rights to rob my time and privacy anyway?


We people of flesh and blood -- and feelings - do real socializing on the ground. Exception: this Great Site, whose one of its "Captains" is my new friend Mr. Cool Dave! Merry X-Mas to all of you who celebrate it.


Good night guys (its 00:00 in Jakarta), c u next time IF I am still breathing the FREE air! I shall going East to my hometown............ I have let my son, eldest one the cool "G", my password and my User's name here. Just in case "My Maker" Summons me......


I shall not be around for a max of one week. G'd night all.:salute:


Btw, I shall, hopefully, in the near future let Dave/Wrench my Cellphone number, so we may be able to Texting each other.

Edited by Eject
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Thanks Eject for the kind words. I enjoy CA alot, I love the interaction, I love the conversations and we all get along great. We have our disagreements, but what family doesn't? I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a wonderful New Year. If any of you are ever in Ohio, look me up, I'll feed you well and we can toss back a few cold ones.





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