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PBY-5A Catalina, Generic USN, 1942-43

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PBY-5A Catalina, Generic USN, 1942-43

Consoladated PBY-5A, Generic USN 1942/43 Skin and Ini Tweeks Pak

-For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO Installs (and maybe SF2, too!)


A reskin, redecaling and some ini mods for Veltro2K Catalina amphib/flying boat.


The skin, made from pappychksix's EXCELLENT template (meaning: I didn't have to repaint anything!), represents the 'generic' style used by the US Navy from May 1942 to approx Sept 1943. That is to say, the standard non-specular blue over gray. New decals have been created for the US Star, now in all six positions, individal Modex, BuNums and the aircraft ID tag. ALL markings seen in the accompanying screenshot ARE decals!


Several Ini edits, and a new avionics ini, tweek some weapons placements & loadouts, control movements, and to simulate the ASV radar that was standard on all new build -5As from approx July/August 42. Full details of the modifications/tweeks are elaborated in the "Notes" section below.


A new WoE-style hangar screen is also included (something I failed to do for Veltro for the initial release! My apologies!). A new damage tga is also included.


=IMPORTANT: You WILL need the WW2 Weapons Pak (or equlivant BunyPak of 06) to get the WW2 weapons, bombs and such. (but you should already have that, yes??)

The WW2 Weapons Pak is available at CombatAce at the following URL:




As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It is VITALY important you read this document through FIRST before installing this mod, as you'll be backing up several of the inis.


Good Hunting!


Kevin Stein


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