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Missing compass tga in F-84 & F-86 pits

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Hi, I've noticed that the standby compass TGA is missing in the F-84 and F-86 pits on my SF2.E installation but present on my WOE one.


I guessing that they use a stock TGA that have had a name changed in the gen2 series so are not being found.


They look similar to the compasses used in the F-4, F-105 and I think A-7.


Does anyone know which TGA's were used in the F-84 and F-86 pits so that I can make the necessary changes or if not that where I should look for them?


Many thanks.



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Hi! :salute:


Yesterday, I found it!


F-4E_ATTITUDE.bmp is needed. I've extracted it from SFP1.


Bye Bye :bye:

Edited by Coupi

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Thank you very much Coupi, found it and all working now.



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