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Mike Dora

No OpFor showing up in Falklands Mod

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I've been looking again at the earlier of the two Falklands mods for SFP1, and have encountered an odd issue. Whenever I try for an air combat sortie (intercept/sweep/CAP), no opposing ac show up. Makes for rather a dull sortie. Does anyone know what file(s) control the generation of opposing formations?


BTW, when I try the newer (Malvinas) mod, I encounter huge (for the time & place) formations - eg FAA sqn-strength formations of Canberras, when in real life the only had about half-a-dozen which bravely attacked in ones and twos. So, alternative question, how can I reduce the formation sizes in the Malvinas mod?





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To reduce the numbers of planes in formation, I have be thinking in make the squadrons with only 2 or 4 units, in the war only one time they attack in full formation (3 ahead and followed by others 2 if I remember well)


I got the same problems with squadrons of U-2, those planes fly alone and not in formation.

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