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Anyone making an Korean War mod?

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Hi everyone,


Im myself is an ignorant, low-IQ noob so I can't do it myself.


Is anyone making an Korean era mod?


F86 Sabres vs MIG-15's and 17's ???


I can see that all the planes have been done, so why havent anyone made an korean campaign?


Can/how do I make single missions set in the Korean war Era?

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No Fresco's in that time frame.


look in the Campaign's Forum ... hgbn is starting up a mod



kevin stein

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No Fresco's in that time frame.


look in the Campaign's Forum ... hgbn is starting up a mod



kevin stein


No early MIG-17's in Korean War?


hmm, was sure that they where there late in the war, but I guess you are right, Its not something I've researched.


Found this in Wikipedia:

"MiG-17s were not available for the Korean War, but saw combat for the first time over the Straits of Taiwan when PRC (Communist China) MiG-17s clashed with ROC (Nationalist China) F-86 Sabres in 1958."

So you are right:-)


Thanks for the tip about the mod.

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