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I didnt mean THAT ya perv! I just wanted to show ya somethin'...no WAIT! I didnt want to say that either...:P


I was fooling around in my editor last nite and had the Tirpitz sail broadside to the Marat, the Aurora, and another light cruiser. Talk about a duel! Shells and Torpedos (!) were flyin back and forth. Guess who won...the Tirpitz. Next time Ill try TWO Marats with escorts, hehe. ;)



Marat is already going down...



Tirptz is bloody but unbowed...



The end of the Marat and Aurora...



The Light Cruiser is last to go, but go she does after a valiant effort...

Edited by pcpilot

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Ya Kirov is a beast, the Marat is a PUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY boat, you could probably add 5 and they would still lose.


I just dont think that the Commie guns can penetrate the Kraut armor (I'm so P.C. :lol: ) Torps and really big bombs are the only way to go.


It's almost rediculous how tough the Tirpitz is, and those damn King Tigers, god nothing works on them.


Oh ya the Aurora sucks too, this is probably because the Marat and Aurora are relics compared to the Tirpitz.............. What we need is an Iowa class to handle that thing.


Ooooh Ooooh, Yamato vs. Iowa vs Tirpitz...... that'll be a fight to see..... maybe they'll integrate AEP with PF and we can see who really would be the mightest dreadnaught (atleast in the video games).


Man I wish the Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin weren't moth balled. The big guns are still the most impressive platforms to ever sail the seas IMHO.


Hmmm, this thread has an weird feel to it, big guns and open coats :blink:

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Eat 16" of American steel, commie bastards!


Edited by snapple2993

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