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My constrictive piece

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After coming home from work I was dogfighting for pretty much 7 hours stright on my trusty SE5a..

I am all inspired and wrote this in like 5-10 mins


Suddenly out the clouds I see them,


I signal my flight thrusting my arm skywards,


This is it.. I ease up on my throttle and climb to meet them,


Guns blaze and canvas tear,


We just lost our rookie pair,


No time to think no time to mourn,


I pull round tight and,


See that bastard through the sight,


Squeeze of trigger and lead shall fly,


His kite on fire fall's from the sky,


So this is how us heroes die,


His wingman comes and takes a pass,


Shooting bullets that skim my ass,


I dive away and pull round tight,


This little git sure wants a fight,


He fires again and misses low,


Where the hell did my wingman go,


There he is out of the sun,


Go my boy shoot that hun,


Down in flames you son of a bitch,


His wreck falls smouldering into a ditch,


Both my wingman and I both head for home,


It's just us left we are all alone,


So that is combat...


Pretty crap really but funny how after playing OFF for 7 hours stright I had the urge to do this..













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An amazing post provided by Pappy,

It was enlightening and by no means crappy.

His tale reflects his battling the hun,

and end the end he flew into the sun.



Way to go Pappy..... good stuff!

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And so it seems this war is hell

as Pappy and the others tell

To fly again, perchance to fall

We mount our steeds

and mutter, "feck 'm all"

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Ignore the smell of my burnt hairs,

And never mind the empty chairs;

For none of us are paid to think,

But by the Gods we've time to drink!


So drink now deeply to our bards,

Who never more need prove their nards;

Reciting to this jaded lot

Is worth a gong, or I'm a sot!



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BTW, Poet Lauriet Pappy, I forgot to mention above that what initially attracted me to this thread to start with was its title. I was thinking you'd rigged up a homebrew force-feedback codpiece, timed to work when your plane was getting hit, and painful enough to provide strong negative reinforcement for allowing yourself to get shot at. Such has long been the dream of the lunatic fringe of flightsim junkies. So for a moment there, I thought you might have found the Holy Grail.


But even without that, your poetry was well worth the click. drinks.gif



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Should I read this at the sound of rap?:cool:

Edited by Von Paulus

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Cheers guys.. and yes the thread title was a typo..


I hate laptop keyboards especially when in bed with them.. It was ment to say "Constructive Piece"


Think I suprised myself with that little poem. Its rare that anything creative like that comes from me. Anyway got a million things to do and I am invited for dinner at the C/O's house (Girlfriends)..

Which means I have to shave >_<

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Outstanding bit of prose there Pappy! And now you've gone an inspired me as well Sir.






We fly and fight, then lie and write

About our prowess and our plight.

We boast and brag to all who’ll hear,

And tell the rookies, “Buy the beer!”

We fly on wings of pixel’d war

Where brave ones really went before,

To emulate their deeds on high

We each take to a virtual sky.

Our sweethearts cannot comprehend,

Our mothers know not why we tend

To throw ourselves into the game

That always seems to end the same.

A battle high above the earth,

With foes of simulated worth,

Who’ll fight us to the bitter end

Then come back new to fight again.

If we could only be as they,

To rise up bold in every fray,

To live or die when all is through

And come back endlessly anew.

Then sit and share our boundless tales

Amid the accolades and gales.

But truth of this would be to tell,

“Is such fate Heaven, or is it Hell?”




NEXT! biggrin.gif


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And now you've gone an inspired me as well Sir.


Best one yet drinks.gif

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Thanks Gents. I think they're all good. And if it weren't for Pappy's original creative release, we'd have none of 'em to appreciate.



Three cheers for Pappy! clapping.gif


And free beers for the rest of us! drinks.gif




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Very good indeed, Lou... and everyone.


I did my poetry splurge (well, parody) in the K vs. C thread, so I'll not essay those unfamiliar skies again... lest I lose my way... or insult more Canadians :grin: Heh, they say war has no rhyme nor reason to it... half correct, then, by this thread.

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Thew is more...


"Hear the words I sing,

War's a horrid thing.

But still I sing, sing, sing

Ding a ling a ling."


The German Guns

"Boom, boom, boom, boom,

Boom, boom, boom,

Boom, boom, boom, boom..."


If you have never heard these you must of lived under a rock all your life...

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Guest British_eh

Hi there:

The beauty of OFF is right here!






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