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Guest Eject

Super Sabre Sound

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Guest Eject

Hi all, my Super Saber (Sabre?) went silent. Pls let me know where to DL it since I saw no such single sound in DL Section. I just DL-ed Jet Sound, hope there is one there that I need. I am still DL-ing an other very BIG Mod here, a half of it already, will finish in 1.5 more hour. Argh!

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it uses a stock sound, called "jetengine" and the stock afterburner sound.


unless, of course, you've added ANOTHER wav, and it's incompatible with the game engine or put in the wrong folder



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

it uses a stock sound, called "jetengine" and the stock afterburner sound.


unless, of course, you've added ANOTHER wav, and it's incompatible with the game engine or put in the wrong folder



kevin stein




Thank u Wrench. But I did not change that JetEngine.wav in it. So, something must've gone wrong in my bird_data.ini, especially this Super Saber. Thanks again and c u later, HAPPY New Year. 




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