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Cant seem to fly today

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Does anyone else get them days when you just cant seem to fight?

I keep loseing pilots today and can't seem to fly right at all..

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Yup I get them as well... cant explain it one day flying like a dream next day couldn't even take off without smearing my poor pilots across runways...

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Just had some Jagermeister and jumped in the Se5a and got a kill on QC against an ace opponent..


Need to really practise some manovers

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Too much snow on ya Wing Pappy old boy! :grin:

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Gah I really am finding it hard today..



After day of strugle, I have concluded.. It is evil mongoose spy, he sabotage my aircraftamob. Tomorrow I fly again good.. Simples :*)

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lol, on new years I was flying IL2 pretty buzzed. Flying was fine, it was the shooting that was getting me. Could not seen to hit the broad side of a barn.

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Yep. Lost my pilot the other day, due to a collision with a SPAD 7. Ripped the bottom right wing off, and nothing worked to keep it going. Every time I would almost recover, over the top and into a spin we go.

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