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Guest Eject

To Wrench

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Guest Eject

Hi Wrench,


I hope ur r well. I refer to this 



WoI IsraelME Targets Enhancement Pak by Wrench



How do I reconcile this of urs with the Factories Add-On can be DL-ed somewhere here? Urs will I believe affect the IsraelME_target.ini???


Thanks mate. :bye:



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Been really busy with some VERY important mods...


did you READ the enclosed readme??? All the pertinant info is there...as are all the needed 'terrain objects'


IsrealME Terrain Upgrade for WoI 3/19/08


This is an expansion of WoI's stock "lsrealME" map, with the addition of Isreali Air Defense units. I've added them in what I believe to be a sensible, logical manner, defending large cities, airbase, factories & POL depots, army bases, and generaly trying to give the civilian population some kind of protection. I've also made sure the Isreali airfields have a "ActiveYear=0" for all their AAA positions; as the game will usually fill them with the nearly useless M-55 Quad 50. Adding other AA units is reccomended :)


It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. See "Items You'll Want to Get" below. I've also included several things from it, just because I like having these objects around in-game, as some a set to be used on the map (parked vehicles and such). There is even a new vehicle, the Tiran 4/5 MBT!


It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arrangements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars. In addition, I've included 2 new Infantry units - one generic Arab and one IDF, based off Kesselbrut's 'Infanty Squads'. I've replaced the RPG/LAW with an automatic rifle. I've also given you my fully updated gundata.ini and gundata.dat files, which have all the needed guns. I've also included the weapons data for the AT-3 'Sagger" anti-tank missile, so you'll be using the weapons editor -- make double damn sure it's the WoI one!!!


Remember - this is for WoI ONLY!!! It won't work on anything else!! So don't even think about tryin' it!!!



== Install Instructions: ==




As I always reccomend, unzip "israelme_upgrade" to a temp director that's easy to find.


If, for any reason you've already extracted the IsrealME_targets.ini and Israel_types.ini, you'll need to rename or somehow back them up. The new ones with this kit WILL replace them. If you've made any changes you'd like to keep, or add to this, feel free. Just make sure they are compatable; ie: this means you'll probabaly renumbering stuff, so just be careful!


So, take the stuff that in the folder "Add_to_terrain_folder", and copy/paste, cut move drag/drop; however you want to do it -- into your /IsraelME terrain folder.


The new inis (nations, movement, targets & types) plus the various and sundry 'terrain items' are all there.



If you've recently downloaded the rebuild of Gepard's Isreal2, it's basically a rehash of the additions of the Arab & Isreali troops, and a few other GroundObject goodies. But I'd read it anyway, as I've added a few vehicles to this pakage


Take any folders from the "Add_to_GroundObjects_folder", and ... you guessed it ... copy/paste them into the GroundObjects folder. I've included several objects that fit nicely into what I've done, and things you should have anyway. These are:



M-59 (artilleriy pieces)

Arab Squad

Israeli Squad (self explanitory - infantry troops!)

AT-3 squad (Sagger Team)

BRDM-2AT (Saggar equipped)

Tiran 4/5 (called 'Tiran45 for the folder name - IDF captured/modified T-54/55 tanks)


I've included several data inis for some other vehicles, extending their lifespans and tweeking weapons <hehehe>. Install the vehicles FIRST!!!, then either backup or just let the new data inis overwrite. This is expecially true for the M-3 Halftrack, Sherman E8 and Merkava Mk.1 (which is now a LOT more survivable; more comparable to the T-72). The other stock vehicle data inis, just toss them into their respective folders.


There's also a sub-folder "for_kesselbruts_zil-truck_pak". This contains updated inis that extend the service life to 2050. If you have Kess's Truck pak, just drop the inis into their approiate folder. Let them overwrite -- no other changes have been effected. Just the years have been changed to allow you to blow them up for the forseeable future! :)


Place the 'patrolboat.wav' into the /Sounds folder; put the 'PATROLBOAT_DATA.INI' into the PatrolBoat folder.


If you have another gundata ini & gundata.dat in your /Object folder, back them up by renaming them to


'bak_gundata.ini' and



then copy/paste, move or however, the ones I've supplied into the /Objects folder. It has just about every gun now out, excepting perhaps the BK-27 from the Grippen.


--Other Notes on 'Items You'll Want to Get':


NOTE: if you haven't already, PLEASE get the Pakso SAMs and Vehicle Pak Desert Skins, from either CombatAce or my site...there are many, many things in there you're going to need for this map. And want, for historical purposes, of course.

In particular, make sure you have


SA-3's and their associated radars,

AMX-13 tank,



FROG3 (as many of these are not only used as parked vehicle, but they show up as 'targets' elsewhere),

Stinger Site


... well, you get the idea! Many of these, and their associated weapons =should= be in the Pasko Paks. If not, let me know and I'll get them uploaded to CA.


During my researches, I DID discover that a single battery of SA-5 Gammons was deployed by Syira to guard Damascus...it's your choice if you want to get them or not, as the targest.ini has MANY instances of just the 'generic' labels for SAM and SAM Radar placements ... you don't wany any surprises over the Canal, do you? Expecially when Egypt only was using SA-2, SA-3, SA-7, SA-8 & 9 -maybe!!, and the very dangerous SA-6. Good thing we aint' got no Gadflys, eh??


There are, however, several other vehicle you'll be wanting to get, as they fit into the historical era


From "Geo's Site"




You'll need his WW2 ground object pak, because we need the M-3 Half-Track and Sherman Easy 8, as it's used for the M-50 'Super Sherman' -- make sure you use the Isreali skin!!


Ther's this here M-270 MLRS by bigal1 at CombatAce:




You'll really want to get this one, as it's set on the map at a few of the artillery bases...


There is a Merkava Mk.1 by gabalion available at CombatAce:




(with this one, don't forget to install the vehicle FIRST, then add my modified data ini)


If you get the M-7 Priest SPG from CombatAce:


http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=2735 *note--no longer available, only from DAT*


You'll want to use the new skin bmps, as I painted out the US star. They're in the ''various skin bmps'' folder. Install the vehicle first, then drop the new skin bmps ini. Same goes for the modified data ini.(operational years are in fact, a pure WAG)




In other words, Do NOT come crying to me when things don't work or show up as advertised, simply because YOU couldn't/didn't/wouldn't follow instructions.



can't make it any simpler, more detailed than that.



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Been really busy with some VERY important mods...


did you READ the enclosed readme??? All the pertinant info is there...as are all the needed 'terrain objects'




can't make it any simpler, more detailed than that.



kevin stein

Thank God! Ur r OK. Thank u mate, tell u the truth I have not opened ur mod. Soon I shall do it. Thanks again, and have a really peaceful weekends with ur family. Is it snowing heavily now? I watched TV less and less now as I have much better must see media: my WOE, and this great site of urs man. :bye:




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You posted BEFORE you even opened up the mod? You wasted Wrench's time looking up the information for you because you couldn't bother to try to look it up first?





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Guest Eject



You posted BEFORE you even opened up the mod?  You wasted Wrench's time looking up the information for you because you couldn't bother to try to look it up first?






Sorry, I did not say it correctly, in fact I have them both in HDD for quite sometime, just haven't install Wrench's mod, only read some of the docs. Forgive me Wrench for having bothered u. Will not happen again in the future, I hope.....

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