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Cats out of the bag

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Well... Diane Sawyer did a special on our base last night and pretty much broadcasted out to whoever was watching the news on what our base really does. So, some serious top secret crap just got opened right up to the public. Wing Command is not too happy and is wondering how the hell she was allowed that info. Someone's @$$ is going to get fried! Oh well. :rolleyes:

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Question: If it is top secret, who let her in? Why would anyone let her in?

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Well, they were authorized to come on the base to do a special on the war in Afghanistan. Don't know how our sensitive operations got exposed though, and that's a question that's begging for an answer right now. Public Affairs was with her too (supposedly). So now while I'm out on the flightline, I need to keep an eye out for an RPG to come flying across my way.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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That was... what the heck?... ok, random... wow

Not completely what I was talking about here, but ok.

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