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WOV(1) Debriefing screens for SF2:V?

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Having seen some of the screen shots in the DiD thread, the WOV debrief screens look cooler (IMO) than the SF2:V screens. Is it possible to change them? If so, can anyone point me to a source location? I did a search in the downloads section, but came up empty.

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you'd have to extract them from the menudata.cat in WoV.


and no, first gen screens won't work on next gen sims ... already tried. Excepting hangar screens, and even they are a 'bit weird', especially my patentpending artwork styles.

The hotspots, while adjustable via the screen inis, are all in different places (it can be done, with LOTS of hair pulling and jumping about)


if you can work with layers in PS or Gimp, you can try and adapt them, but otherwise ...



kevin stein

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lets just say that new screen templates, based off the originals -with all the hotspots in the exact same places, with swappaable backgrounds* DO exist...


they're just not available yet.


the hangar is a multi-layered template that has the 2 different concrete backgrounds, 2 different carrier decks (with expansion joints and taxi lines), 2 different 'dirt' textures, and a grass one.



kevin stein


*=you can switch the background pic, as long as it's 1024x768

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Gotcha. At first when I was reading I thought "well, I'm comfortable with p-shop, so I can give it a shot", but your second post with the attachment really drove home the point ("hotspots").


It's something that might be fun to play with, but I can see it being a LOT of work.


I never thought to change the background for the various menu screens though - I had messed with the hangar and loading screens though, thanks for that heads up. smile.gif


Sounds like you have some good stuff brewing though. Look forward to it. good.gif



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