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mission and Aircraft Carriers

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First of all where can i find a mission editor?

Next I have a ton of .mis files that are in my mission folder but i dont see any of them when I play. What am i doing wrong.

I have gone thru all the the aircraft carrier mission procedures and still cant get ANYTHING.

Thanks for any help. I am running Vista, and wov2

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First of all where can i find a mission editor?

Next I have a ton of .mis files that are in my mission folder but i dont see any of them when I play. What am i doing wrong.

I have gone thru all the the aircraft carrier mission procedures and still cant get ANYTHING.

Thanks for any help. I am running Vista, and wov2


When I added some missions from WOV to my SF2:V install, I found I had to get the right terrain, then edit the files to use a plane that I actually had in my install (which it did not prior to my editing).


That got it to show up in my load missions list.


Also, stupid question, but are you going to "load mission" in the Single Mission menu?

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