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Guest Eject

TSUNAMI in Libya v.3 ?

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Guest Eject

 Hi Wrench, as u can see in the attached rar., the sea looks calm, and pleasing to look at. But, kindly observse the Seas on the background (12 o'clock high) on the sub-region that look like bays.


Don't u think they look like a bit uplifted (not same level as the ones on the foreground)?




This is my report to u as the one who have modded the terrain.


Thank u for ur time Wrench. C ya later.



Edited by Eject
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Nggak apa2. Memang begitu.:lol:


Tiada hari tanpa masalah.............

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Guest Eject

 Hi Wrench, as u can see in the attached rar., the sea looks calm, and pleasing to look at. But, kindly observse the Seas on the background (12 o'clock high) on the sub-region that look like bays.


Don't u think they look like a bit uplifted (not same level as the ones on the foreground)?




This is my report to u as the one who have modded the terrain.


Thank u for ur time Wrench. C ya later.




Wrong man! An problem whatever the intensity/magnitude is MUST be taken care of/solved -- or a r u a junior government official in Indonesia like the majority of whom who always says only, "Yes sir/madam. Everything is OK."? -- This is a problem, I suspect, having to do with HEIGHT in the sub-region of the Terrain.


Anyway, thanks for your time to reply, though, to me, unsatisfactory.




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Ya maaf pak. belum lihat profilnya.


Itu udah versi final atau bukan?

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magmatic upwelling, causing displacement of the overlaying landmass and/or ocean??? You've got more volcanos over there than we have here, so ....????? :dntknw: ????


actually, it's due to the creator of the original HFD not doing an 'adjust sea level' in the TE. Very common problem on some of the early maps.

Here's how you can fix it:


1)download the SF desert Terrain Editor

2)install it

3)since Libya uses the stock desert texture list, all you need to do is extract ALL the tiles from the Desert.cat; convert the all the sea, sea/land river/land transition tiles from tga to bmp.

4)install said newly converted tiles into the main TE folder.

5)copy/paste the TFD and HFD files from the Libya terrain into a newly created Libya sub-folder of the TE, along with the libya citylist ini (if its in there, if not, oh well. Recreate or don't try flattening anything)

6)Open the TEs exe, load the lybia.HFD, load desert tile texture list

7) "adjust sea level"

8) "save all"

9)backup original TFD and HFD in Libya terrain folder

10)copy/paste the NEW TFD & HFD from the TE into the Libya terrain folder.

11)fly over effected area, see if the coastline meets with your approval; if not

12)repeat steps 6-11 as necessary


OK? Now you know what to do



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

Ya maaf pak. belum lihat profilnya.


Itu udah versi final atau bukan?

Libya version 3 FINAL. Makasih man. mBok Berek masih ada? Seturan to omahmu? Lore UPN?




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Guest Eject

magmatic upwelling, causing displacement of the overlaying landmass and/or ocean??? You've got more volcanos over there than we have here, so ....????? :dntknw: ????


actually, it's due to the creator of the original HFD not doing an 'adjust sea level' in the TE. Very common problem on some of the early maps.

Here's how you can fix it:


1)download the SF desert Terrain Editor

2)install it

3)since Libya uses the stock desert texture list, all you need to do is extract ALL the tiles from the Desert.cat; convert the all the sea, sea/land river/land transition tiles from tga to bmp.

4)install said newly converted tiles into the main TE folder.

5)copy/paste the TFD and HFD files from the Libya terrain into a newly created Libya sub-folder of the TE, along with the libya citylist ini (if its in there, if not, oh well. Recreate or don't try flattening anything)

6)Open the TEs exe, load the lybia.HFD, load desert tile texture list

7) "adjust sea level"

8) "save all"

9)backup original TFD and HFD in Libya terrain folder

10)copy/paste the NEW TFD & HFD from the TE into the Libya terrain folder.

11)fly over effected area, see if the coastline meets with your approval; if not

12)repeat steps 6-11 as necessary


OK? Now you know what to do



kevin stein


Many thanks Wrench. Understood. Will later do what u said. I don't remember which CAT I used on it. It seems GermanyCE.

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mBok Berek masih ada? Seturan to omahmu? Lore UPN?



Tokonya masih, pak. Rumah saya di Maguwoharjo.

:lol: Berharap ada banyak peminat ThirdWire.

This game have many GREAT MODS...........

Thanks All:salute:

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Guest Eject

Tokonya masih, pak. Rumah saya di Maguwoharjo.

:lol: Berharap ada banyak peminat ThirdWire.

This game have many GREAT MODS...........

Thanks All:salute:


Hey EGP, uhoh, Agaphe;


Yes, let's hope there r more from our Indonesian gang to become members here in this multi-cultural (international) community. Problem is, as I have been observing, not many people in our sick nation (Yes; sick seriously since its a very corrupt one, many in the so-called 'government' also those who claimed to be bankers, in the private corporations as well robbing the rain-forests, the coal mines, etc.) have a good command of the English language, even tho we have studied the language ever since we were in junior hi-school.


Since some 10 years back, English language has even been one of the required subjects to study ever since grade one. Problem also, the 'gurus' (those who teach) can barely speak it properly/correctly.



And, sooo many BAJAKAN of the game(s) not only of this great one from TW. U can find any title in ALL MALLs in Indonesia, which is really cheap only for Rp.25K (that's less than USD3.00 -- three US Dollar, when the price On-line is around USD 35.00 from TW!).


And u know who produce, and keep producing those "bajakan" ('hijacking" -- infringement of the Property Rights of the makers, which is against the Federal, and International Law on Property Rights!)? Mostly the 'bocengli' (very bad, evil) Indonesian Chinese shops owners!


Will u pls try search how many of us Indonesians who r members here, or who may wish to join.


But again, English is their main handicap! So, how can Indonesia progress in international trade for example? U do not sell things for export in Bahasa Indonesia. C you later young man.....


Attached r my new shots for u to DL, and can u do the same? hehehee.... The 'Secret' is in ur Weapon_data.ini! Click Edit, find the KABs series or some other AHM Missiles. "Tweak" their Explosives to HIGHER 'counts' without adding their MASS.


Enjoy. But, BACK UP first ur Weapdata!





Edited by Eject

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Yes. And now, Thirdwire sell it's product via download. Not cd anymore. Nice move.:good:

I've got this game from my cousin as a gift.

Most of Indonesian don't know about aviation. They only know: Pesawat Garuda dll:lol:

About screen: something's wrong with those F-16's Skin. But good about the effects.

Don't know about another Indonesian beside: New Guy, Miracle.

Higher Explosive mass is dangerous for your aircraft safety. Use it wisely.:salute:



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Guest Eject

Yes. And now, Thirdwire sell it's product via download. Not cd anymore. Nice move.:good:

I've got this game from my cousin as a gift.

Most of Indonesian don't know about aviation. They only know: Pesawat Garuda dll:lol:

About screen: something's wrong with those F-16's Skin. But good about the effects.

Don't know about another Indonesian beside: New Guy, Miracle.

Higher Explosive mass is dangerous for your aircraft safety. Use it wisely.:salute:



Hey, wait a sec, which is wrong? From fresh DL ya gitu man. That's Sufa IAF, very ugly look.


Those guys in IAF gonna use it --- VERY SOON man! -- to attack Iran! It's a long-range bird, however still needs refueling. Hence, their last year asking GWB's permission (Who owns Iraq anyway???) to fly over Northern Territory OTW to Iran. Still, the IAF BADLY needs USAF's back-up for over=the-horizon radar, AWACS. Will Lord Obama give a nod??? We'll see. It;s gonna be real mess there, when the Chinese -- to protect its USD 30 BILLION investment in mostly bbm -- oil -- comes to the rescue!



Re: High-Explosives, no worry man, I never released my smat, tweaked bombs like the KAB-1500L-PR or JAB-500KR, under 3K meters high. Otherwise, I will again be fried as well like today when I flew the Singaporean F-15D.


Me too, I got mu WOI/WOE CD from a close friend when he went to Singapore or KL perhaps, two years ago. No buying the bajakan here so many sold by those very IRRESPONSIBLE, very UNFAIR, Indonesian-Chinese traders!!! That's how they got rich quick! The copy product sold (and TK never knows about it, too bad) will ruin your PC/Laptop.


Wis, c u later.



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Something white in F-16's body. maybe missing .BMP file of "fake pilot" or weapon? Read the readme again to make sure there is no thing that missing (Sufa WOI).

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Guest Eject

Something white in F-16's body. maybe missing .BMP file of "fake pilot" or weapon? Read the readme again to make sure there is no thing that missing (Sufa WOI).


Ah! I see, if what u meant was the intake (under belly), it has been so, even on some of my third-party DLs like the F-16 Arab Nations (parked now, as I enjoy more the IARAF), the Blue EAF. But those I DL-ed from Cullun5 have no such anomali. The IAF F-16, the stock plane in WOI, was/is perfect! I want that all the others (mods 3rd parties) be perfectly like that of the IAF F-16 of the WOI I play no more to save my HDD of only 80Gigs, man!



Btw, how about these new AwsomeEffects of mine? Hopefully I can attach here. Otherwise, I shall have to delete some of my attachments in this Forum.


Gombal tenan! I still cannot attach! What happens??? My Gallery are just two pics.






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Guest Raden

Something white in F-16's body. maybe missing BMP file of "fake pilot" or weapon? Read the readme again to make sure there is no thing that missing (Sufa WOI).

Hey EGP, uh-oh, Agaphe; lookie (look at) this stock IAF F-16 


Its INTAKE texture/color is GREY, not white like the one in the Add-On F-16s (EAF, ArabNations, and the IARAF). Yet, as I said, the ones we DL-ed from Cullumn5 are all normal, namely, in grey.


So, no missing texture in IARAF. Check again ur (if u fly them) same Add-On F-16s DL-ed from here.







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Not the intake, but behind the cockpit (F-16I, not the stock one).

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Guest Raden

Not the intake, but behind the cockpit (F-16I, not the stock one).


Embuh lahMontor maburmu pira sih? Akeh ya? On-Line nang omah? Bapak AURI yo? Kancaku akeh biyen nang AURI, juga BRIMOB, (biyen) RPKAD.



BTW, nganggo notebook/laptop opo PC Desktop?


Inggrismu ra elek, nek durung telat ndaftarke AFS -- kan saka kelas 2?



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