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Guest Eject

Tip-Toeing F-4 ARN-101 EAF Skin

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Guest Eject

Hi Wrench, sorry to wake u up if u had been sleeping.


I refer to the F-4 ARN-101 (?) I DL-ed from Collumn5.


I skinned it with the Egyptian skin. I did not add the fuel load nor put anything on the nose.


Yet, just a couple of months ago I found out that when I was taxiing on the Runway ready for any Mission, or when I RTB and made a Manual Landing (Set of Hard in Game Option), this fine bird acted strange, though a bit hilariously.



Well, no offense to Mooslems, the Egyptian pilot must be a Mooslem too. But, he would not do his prostration (as I sometimes saw they did here in my country) during Take-Off/Landing I guess. Therefore, I found it hilarious.



It tip-toeing on its Nose Wheel as u will see in the attached two rars. I attached here.


What do you think the problem is Otherwise, I shall have to DL again the original F-4 ARN from the Collumn5.


Thank u for ur response. C ya later.





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don't know nothing about it, as I don't have it.


looking at the screenies, I'd say mismatched lods and data ini.


as in "ain't designed to work in the application you created"



kevin stein

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Guest Eject

don't know nothing about it, as I don't have it.


looking at the screenies, I'd say mismatched lods and data ini.


as in "ain't designed to work in the application you created"



kevin stein


Thank u Wrench for ur time. C u later. :bye:

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What is "Tip-Toeing"?

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Guest Eject

What is "Tip-Toeing"?


Excuse me gang, I shall explain to this fellow country (young) man of mine in our mothers' tongue: mlaku timik timik, jinjit rek! Koyo tungkake dewe bar ngidak telek lencung pitik mbeler! hahahaha....




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Wo alah, waton njenengi........:lol:



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Guest Eject

Wo alah, waton njenengi........:lol:




La kepiye maneh? Mosok F-4E EAF njoget or nari perut (wong Mesir kok)? Opo maneh balet! Bener kali...... Nek nang Jakarta sms, ntar tak kasih emailku sing anyar, wong sing lawas wing telung taon dihapus administrasi, lha wong aku mung ora mbuka 3 minggu, telat ngerespons! Wealah.....Wis yo, lagi ngopo? Udan maning po ora Yoja? Aku kangen suasanane seolah wektu stands still -- muandek, wegah mulih Ngulon nang nJakarta negerinya wong wong edan tur gemblung!



TipToeing, kaya kowe nek arep nginjen perawan adus.....

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