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Damn! my add-on cd cant be read

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Join Date: Jun 2005

Age: 36

Posts: 171 Damn! my add-on cd cant be read




Hi, I was wondering if someone can help. I accidentally dropped my addon cd on the floor and when I put it in the cd drive, pc wont read it. I hope its not scratched. It has all my files from october of last year. Its a dvd. I tried another cd and it read it so its not the drive. I tried cleaning surface of dvd with alcholol and cloth but no go. Is there a utility that can assist? thks.

Edited by dsawan

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Sometimes it can help to use another PC to read the DVD, important is that the reflectiv side is not damaged- a scratch on the downside isn`t so bad, the problem is a scratch on the upper side

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in case everything else fails, use a LIVE CD to save your data


what you need:


PC with 2 DVD/CD drives and alternate: external Harddisk


download Knoppix here: http://www.knoppix.net/ burn the CD and set in the Bios that the OS starts from the CD. After Booting, put the file DVD into the 2nd Drive and open with the filemanager, copy the files to your HDD. It works well with NTFS, when you have Vista use the external drive, alternative you can copy the DVD with the burnprogram K4B. In case you have just one DVD drive, you can load the OS into the RAM ,  you need sufficent RAM - 1GB or more - and select boot to RAM in the start screen.


Be aware that Linux has a differend names for the Disk like sda1 instead of drive C.


good luck




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