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I've lost my Multiple Ejector Racks!

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Hello all! I am fairly familiar with modding my WoX install, and generally don't have any problems. This latest time I've installed WoV/WoE merged I added the community weapon pack v2.52. I properly used the weapon editor and added them. I also added the Mig-23/27 weapons pack, merged it to my existing weapondat and deleted the weapons that I was instructed to do in the readme. I fired up my sim and realized that on all aircraft I can only carry one individual bomb on each rack. This is with aircraft like the A-6 and F-4 which I know can carry more then one Mk-82 on each pylon. I have no MERs!!!!! I reinstalled the community weapons pack, and still no MER. I am at a loss, and I don't want to kill my whole install and do it all over again. Any help or ideas would be great.

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AFAIK, the MER are stock objects with their models included in the CAT files...


If you're using the community weps pack, then maybe my own weapondata.ini (see attachment) could be useful to you (note: there are some additional weapons that I've installed since I got the pack 2.52). I've no problems using multiple weapons racks.


Greets, Uhu



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What I might recommend first is to see if the MER entry is within your current weapondata.ini. If not, then cut and paste and run the weapon editor.


If it is there,then take a close look at it and compare it to the stock weapondata.ini MER entry to see if there is a problem.


Fix the problem (make it look like the stock entry), save the weapondata.ini, run the weapons editor as per normal.


You should be okay by that point.



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awesome folks, I will use that file as a reference and get er done! I will keep yall updated, knew this was the place to go for advice, thankyou very much!!!

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