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KMD setup for SF2E

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I'm trying to play around with Kreelins mission editor for SF2E. How is everyone setting this thing up? Should it being going into the Mods path or directly into the installation directory? I've read the tutorial but it's for the previous gen of the sims. Do I need to use CatPack first to extract all of the files from GermanyCE.cat or does the KMD read the cat file itself? I couldn't find much on this in the knowledge base. Thanks.



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Not knowing a whole lot about the mission builders, I know you don't need all the files from the various terrain cats (meaning, all the tiles, TODs, tgas, terrain objects, etc), probably just the _targets and _types inis. Pretty sure it needs those to 'read' what objects are available. My guess -mind you, a PURE WAG- would be that the KMD would go in the mods folder, as a sub-folder of the main install (just like objects or flight or whathaveyou), and the newly extracted inis for the terrains would go in the /Terrains folder, under their terrain's names (ie: /Terrains/GermanyCE/GermanyCE_Targets.ini)


worth a shot, at any rate!



kevin stein

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Not knowing a whole lot about the mission builders, I know you don't need all the files from the various terrain cats (meaning, all the tiles, TODs, tgas, terrain objects, etc), probably just the _targets and _types inis. Pretty sure it needs those to 'read' what objects are available. My guess -mind you, a PURE WAG- would be that the KMD would go in the mods folder, as a sub-folder of the main install (just like objects or flight or whathaveyou), and the newly extracted inis for the terrains would go in the /Terrains folder, under their terrain's names (ie: /Terrains/GermanyCE/GermanyCE_Targets.ini)


worth a shot, at any rate!



kevin stein


Thanks Wrench. I'll give that a try. At least with the whole "mods" folder concept, you can't really hose the install. If I get it working reasonably I'll put together a post for the forum in case anyone else needs the info.

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Just a follow up to this. Using Wrench's suggestion, I setup the KMD with my SF2E install. I created a "KMD" folder in the main mods directory (I'm using Win7. C:\Users\YourUserID\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe):


The KMD readme still says to install in the main game directory but I'm thinking this is just a hold over from the SF1 gen sims. I wanted to follow the new convention for using the mods folder since this seems safer:


I then used the CatPack tool to extract the following files from the GermanyCE.cat file:



Using the "Terrain Map" menu item to load the Germany map:



Now you're all set to go with the KMD on your SF2 gen sims:



I've also followed the same procedure to allow the KMD to work with the Vietnam and Israel maps that I imported from my old WOV/WOE/WOI merged install. Hope this is helpful to anyone interested in configuring the KMD with their SF2x installs. Thanks to Wrench for pointing me in the right direction.




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oppps ... I FORGOT you gotta have the planning maps; at least planningmap 1. Good catch!!



kevin stein

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The KMD readme still says to install in the main game directory but I'm thinking this is just a hold over from the SF1 gen sims. I wanted to follow the new convention for using the mods folder since this seems safer:


Woooaaaa.... Too much work you did there and I'm not sure KMD will fully work....

What happens if you have to delete your "Mod" directory after patching or something else :grin:.


KMD setup is quite simple. First get the lastest version here (just incase). Then put KMD.exe into your game "main" folder (anywhere else). At the first start, it will ask you where is the "game mod" folder and that's it. No need to extract any file. It will do it for you :grin:. And no problem if have to delete the mod folder...

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Woooaaaa.... Too much work you did there and I'm not sure KMD will fully work....

What happens if you have to delete your "Mod" directory after patching or something else :grin:.


KMD setup is quite simple. First get the lastest version here (just incase). Then put KMD.exe into your game "main" folder (anywhere else). At the first start, it will ask you where is the "game mod" folder and that's it. No need to extract any file. It will do it for you :grin:. And no problem if have to delete the mod folder...


I thought I tried this once but I don't remember it prompting me for my Mods folder. I'll give it another shot. I did realize that I would need to back up any custom missions before if I were ever to want to delete teh mods folder. One question: where does it look for maps? In the main folder or in the mods folder? In my case I've brought over the Israel and Vietnam terrains from my old WOx version and I put them in the terrains folder in the mods path. Will KMD recognize these without any further intervention?



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If my brain serves me right, find the Missions folder and it figures things out from there. Yes it will read from the terrain folder. Make sure you have the appropriate MAPNAME_TARGES.INI in the folder of the terrain, along with the appropriate planning map. I use it for SF2E as kreelin says and its been working fine for me.

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I thought I tried this once but I don't remember it prompting me for my Mods folder. I'll give it another shot.


If so, just delete the "KMD.ini" (or "your_exename.ini") file in your Windows directory and try again.


One question: where does it look for maps? In the main folder or in the mods folder? In my case I've brought over the Israel and Vietnam terrains from my old WOx version and I put them in the terrains folder in the mods path. Will KMD recognize these without any further intervention?


Yes... KMD will check "CAT" file from the main game folder and all "Terrain" folders inside "mods path\terrain". So it won't miss any map you have.

Edited by kreelin

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