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sunday 12-14 session

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check out the neat smoke spiral on this elll going down..




Flares over the airfield




the BIG train


Edited by sitting_duck

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Thanks for a brilliant session and my congratulations to the members of my flight (Osten and Dudley) for their immaculate flying display over the airfield at the end of the second mission (low level formation pass while deploying flares, formation break and landing together in a vic at the end). :dance2:


Who said DH2's were a bitch to fly! :grin:


Vasco :pilotfly:



:pilot:Only Multiplayer Aces Get Confirmed Kills :pilot:

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A couple of BDA photos from today's missions.


First is Duck's hangars burning (4, 5 and 6).



And next is Axe's hit on a parked plane.


We all know he was aiming at the hangars, but as the basketball announcers say, "COUNT IT!!"


Also evident in the second picture is yet another multiplayer glitch. Notice Axe's plane just to the left of the third hangar (second canvas) from the bottom. Obviously, as my computer was reading this, the bomb hit before his plane made it to the point of impact.

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I actually came in on a very steep dive then pulled up sharp at the last second. Could the inertia of the climb have pushed the bomb forward?


Get out your slide rulers! good.gif

Edited by Axgrinder

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I actually came in on a very steep dive then pulled up sharp at the last second. Could the inertia of the climb have pushed the bomb forward? good.gif



Not likely. Again, my first-hand knowledge is based on years of skydiving, but the airplane pulls away immediately after exit. And while a human being in free-fall position has significantly more drag than a bomb, physics demands that forward momentum starts decreasing immediately after release, and the path is a parabolic curve beginning with the angle of release and ending with straight down. Besides, the picture was taken from in front of you and you appear very close to level and at very low altitude (based on the position of your shadow I'd guess you were on the low side of 200-400 feet maybe less, and certainly not much more than 500). So if you did a diving run this probably registered before your pullup. Unless you released at 50-100 feet. In which case, can you name me as your beneficiary





Oh, and can I have your video card?

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Joke. Referencing the potential consequences of releasing bombs at under 100' altitude.



It's true: jokes aren't as funny when they have to be explained.

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