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FE2 running on WinXPx32

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I upgraded to FE2 as soon as it was released. I installed it on my WinXPx32 machine. The game runs quite well as plain vanilla out of the box. But I want to install the neat FE2 Mods that are starting to appear. So far all my attempts to place the mod files in the game are failing and I can't get FE2 to start. It hangs at a dark screen every time. I must use Task Master to recover. What am I doing wrong? Will a modded FE2 even run under Windows XP?



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Hello Peter01 or Anyone,


Help Please...


Peter01 has released his neat FE2 Mods V.2 pack. Where do his set of Mods folders get put? We now have in the FE2 install, in addition to the Main game directory C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2\ folder, a new directory C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2\. So I ask again, where do we load these neat mods onto a FE2 install for a WinXPx32 machine?



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I'am new to this sim but i think they all go in the TW folder in "MY DOCUMENTS" in the object folder you find ths aircraft folder. The only one that is diffrent is the flight folder that i think goes in game



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OK,By the numbers:

For those using XP.

Up in My documents folder.

For Vista and Win7 it is in Users





Campaigns (All modified campaigns)


Effects (All mod effects you want to add)

Flight (Any flight files you want to mod)

Menu (Any menu files you want to add:Mainscreens etc.)

Missions (All modified missions)


Aircraft(All default and mod aircraft in their own folders)

Decals(See tutorial in KB)

GroundObject (All groundobjects in their own folders)

Guns (Any gun mods you make go in here)

Pilots (All pilots and seats go in here)

Weapons (Any weapons or weapon addons using the new folder format)See Killerbee's,it's GREAT!



Sounds (All your sound mods)

Terrains (All the great terrain mods go here,in their own folders)

If you are familiar with Thirdwire games you will notice the format is just like the old games with a few additions.

The difference is,it is up in My Documents folder.

When you run the game the first time it will make some of the folders up there. The rest you make yourself.

The only thing you need down in Program Files is what is called the Core files that are put there on the install.

All modified files and folders go up in My Documents area.

It's just like modifying the old game,just in a different place.

The game engine looks up in My documents first. Whatever else it needs it gets from Core files.

Whenever anyone is talking about the "Mod Folder" it is the one in My Documents.

Good Luck. It's really a lot better when you get the hang of it. :yes:

Edited by ezlead

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