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Loading screenie

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What's the procedure for changing the screen shot that displays while a chosen single mission is loading? Since they're aircraft screenies, I thought a simple change of the screen shot would do it. That didn't happen. I would appreciate a push in the right direction.

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are we talking the 'generic' loading screen, or one specific to a particular aircraft?


If 'generic', you can have whatever you like, placed (at least in SF2 series), in the /Flight folder in your mods folder. If there isn't one, you'll need to create it in the MyDocuments/.../....FE2/, for XP. I forget the exact path for Vista/7, but it'll be in the SavedGames folder.


Also -very important- if FE2 has gone down the same path as the SF2 series, all the STOCK menu screens are now in jpg format (extract the various menu screen inis, and they'll be listed as "BackgroundImage=****.jpg"). So for those that make new screens, I'd really reccomend pulling the stock hangar screen out of the cat, and create a NEW layered PSD in the new format, since the hot spots have been moved around, as has been mentioned in another thread. I had to do this for SF2 series, to update a boat-load of hangar screens.


for individual aircraft hangar and loading screens, the old way still works; the image, either jpg or bmp, placed in the aircraft's main folder, with the correct pointer lines as shown above.



kevin stein


ps: if someone can post screenies of the hangar screen, I can see if they match sf2, and if they do, can release my new templates. If not, well.....not having FE2 limits me to just giving usefull advice


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Thanx, Wrench, I'm referring First Eagles Gold Pack or FE1. I'm using an LCD 16X10, which stretches the some of the loading screens out of proportion. I'm running XP SP3 yet and will not jump to Windows 7 until I build a new computer, which could be a while yet. I can run with graphics pushed to the limit and don't see the need, so won't get FE2 for a while.

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Okay, I made a couple of screen shots and saved them in the DEG folder as bitmaps. I named them in the manner I found in the DH2 config file and entered them into the DEG config file using notepad. The plane still loads default load and hanger pix, so I missed entering the path cuz the default path is still used. How & where do I edit a new path? I've searched files and folders & cannot find anything. Or am I completely off base here?

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individual aircraft hangar and loading screens MUST be in the aircraft's main folder



kevin stein

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