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SF2, Win7, ATI sea shimmering

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I can't get the sea and i think some other areas, in a distance, to be shimmerless. ATI 5850. Any clues maybe?

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I had a similar problem with an X850 Pro card running in XP.


Only way I could cure it was by setting sea detail to low and horizon distance to normal.


I've now got a Radeon HD 4600 card and can now set water detail to high with no shimmering.


I'm surprised you're getting this problem with a superior system to mine.

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Shimmering is usually an anisotropic filtering issue. Try increasing it to 4x or 8x.

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I am clarity freak, first thing i do always max out Anisotropy :D . Is at 16x here


from my experiments so far it seems that the most effective thing against shimmering is replacing some textures with lower resolution versions. That seems to affect it more than any setting or combination of settings in the Catalyst Control Panel without still totally eliminating shimmering ...


Talking about Catalyst settings the things that seem to improve a tad things are


- AA filtering to at least Adaptive Multisample (slider in the middle)

- disabling AI m a y b e has a slight improvement but not maybe worth it. Maybe the performance gain of "Standard" is more worth it.

- AA to 4X (box) comparing to 2x (no matter the AA settings above that, the AA image quality doesn't seem to be changing in SF2)


Also reducing horizon distance seem to also help a little. But doesnt affect the shimmering of decals. i will test out of curiosity if they improve with lower resolution files.

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