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Guest Raden

Advice Urgently Needed Before attempting

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Guest Raden

To especially seniors Modders who r familiar with Win XP Patch 2, and with Add-On, Free DL small/medium application for tweaking and cleaning of HDD:


I just twice did some scanning over my HDD with said free (but really good, many in the Internet) application.


I suspect since I previously just DELETE all the indicated (in the box of the application after the scanning was concluded) "trash" files, like the dot chk etc., I now have problem with the decal of my Su-27 Indo(nesia TNI-AU).


So, previously hundreds of the dot thumbs.db and .shd had gone!


Just minutes ago I scanned my HDD again, and was presented with choice if I wanted to delete as well said thumbs.db and .shd


And those two kinds of supposedly trash files were from many of my skreenshots, .bmps of the planes. I now did not just DELETE them as I am concerned I should retain them so as not to ruin my files in WOE.


My question is, whar really are those thumbs.db and .shd???


Thanks in advance for ur advice and help as I am not very "techie" with WIN System, just familiar with a bit of it.



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a simple answer:




the 'shd' are the shadows for various objects.


thumbs.db is a thumbnail database file. I don't think they really do anything, but they're so small....keeping them won't hurt



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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thumbs.db are windows files that keep thumbnails (hence the name) or snapshots of multimedia files, such as JPGs, BMPs and WMVs


Keeping these files saves you procesor time whenever you look at the folder containing them (as long as the folder is set to be viewed as thumbnails mode)


It's up to you if want to keep them, they're irrelevant for the thirdwire games

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Guest Raden

a simple answer:




the 'shd' are the shadows for various objects.


thumbs.db is a thumbnail database file. I don't think they really do anything, but they're so small....keeping them won't hurt



kevin stein


Thank u very much to u Wrench, also to Paladrin. BYW to Wrench, but of course I NEVER delete any .shd files which r for shadows IN our respective planes and/or ground objects (if any). But, the ones (dot shds) in the ScanResults application I have been using, they were classified as TEMP(s). Even when previously I had deleted some of them, luckily I still have shadows of most of my planes, Wrench.



I found out about it just last nite when I was away from my On-Line machine when I used my other "tiny" 7 point something inches (but with really high res. screen) notebook. Any way, thank u for you advice. :salute:



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