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Have started modding FE2 to get a similar installation to FE1, and took a little doing. Still some problems with some plane decals, but other than that lookin good. And I'm on XP and DX9.


So thought I'd upload a few things for those that have the game. I think most of my FMs work, but guns, loadouts etc were a problem, so this should fix that part. Plus a few FMs ... and these rae only for FE2.


The file should be available for download here shortly: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10654


Some pics in the meantime.







Nice bomb bay!






Loads of fun downing Hannovers, Gothas, AEGs and the like with the 37mm cannon!










Sopwith Camel F.1 110hp with one Lewis rather than two.




Sopwith Camel 2F.1 150hp with port Vickers and overhead Lewis.

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Ah, Jan's terrain is marvelous isn't it! Thanks for screenies Peter and for the effort to get FE2 up to speed.


Quick question, your cloud tga looks different than mine, is that the IL2 cloud mod?

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Hello Peter01


I can't seem to get anyone to answer my question about installing FE2 "Mods".


I have installed FE2 on my WinXPx32 machine. The 'plain vanilla' version is great! I have collected an extensive set of FE1/FEG mods over the last several years and they are running in my FEG game just fine. I even have JanTuma's new terrains now running in my FEG install.


I just downloaded your excellent FE2 Mods pack. Your ReadMe file says to backup my Mods folders before I try to install the new Mods. My question is "Where are the Mods Folders in the FE2 install?" There is a already a FirstEagles2 game directory in my 'Program Files' and I have discovered another FirstEagles2 directory in 'Documents and Settings'. I have tryed to install your new mods into the FE2 game in both these directories and the game won't even launch. I know that TK wrote FE2 to work in Windows7 but FE2 installs and runs quite well on my WinXP machine.


I just need some insite how to make the new crop of FE2 mods work in my FE2 game, that is all.



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From my understanding to mod any of the 2nd generation of 3rdWire sims the mods now go into your user documents/game folder/mod folder rather than the main game directory in the programs folder. See this thread HERE. Also look in any of the knowledge bases or on 3rdWire forum...


The sim looks in the user/mod folder first before uploading. It is much simpler to do it this way; remove a mod from your user folder and the regular game file is then used, so no need to rename/copy stock files anymore!.

Edited by Bandy

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I believe you just gave me the 'key' information I needed.


The Options.ini file in my FE2 documents directory points to the Mods directory in [Mods] section. My "Mods" directory is C:\Documents and Settings\*Username*\My Documents\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\. If the new FE2 Mod has files to be copied into the Terrains folder, I must have a Terrains folder in that "Mods" directory that contain those files for the Mod. I am about to give it a try.


Ich verstehe! Danke schön!



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I have the same OS as you OlPaint, no problems. In fact FE2 is very good.


Glad to see you have found where to install the mods, the "mod" directory. All mods go there, none in the default game directory - leave that alone. Sorry I wasn't more specific, but I'm new to FE2 too, and I'm not sure what the "mod" folder path is called in Vista or Win7, so didn't want to be too exact. There have been quite a few threads here on this however.


If your game is crashing I'd check out or reinstall your terrains. The terrain folder in FE2 is called TERRAINS (with the "S") not TERRAIN as in FE1. As all terrain mods have been developed for FE1, including installation instructions, you need to be careful here.


More generally I just transferred everything over from my complex FE1 installation to FE2, then redid the weapons and gundata files, and everything was fine, except .... some plane models and decals. With the former Laton wrote how to fix this for his, and you need to do the same thing for others too, so it is a pain and takes some time. The decal problem is still a problem for me - some just don't work as in FE1 (at this stage).

Edited by peter01

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