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http://forum.combata...image&img=11647 :this:


Whats the best way to do it? :dntknw:


Usually this happens when my A-10 gets hit but 23mm shells but occasionally missiles do the same.


I tend to use Ctrl + I to switch off my engines but the fire starts when I turn them back on. & being without engine power is obviously impractical unless your very close to friendly territory.


The A-10 has armored fuel tanks which are also self-healing & fire-suppressive which help a bit but do these or the engines (also fire-suppressive according to the INI) catch fire? Or both? :dntknw:

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If an engine catches fire, you have to shut it off.


Once you do that, that engine is done. You cannot restart it...either in the sim or in real life.


Or I should say, you can restart it...but it's not a good idea.


Think about it this way...if your car engine caught fire and the fire went out, would you restart it??



Edited by FastCargo

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Thanks for the quick reply. :good:


Yeah I was guessing that this would be the case. Its just a shame you can't toggle engines individually especially with the A-10.


Looks like punching out is the only viable option seeing as this mostly happens on missions pretty far away from the border.

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Thanks for the quick reply. :good:


Yeah I was guessing that this would be the case. Its just a shame you can't toggle engines individually especially with the A-10.


Looks like punching out is the only viable option seeing as this mostly happens on missions pretty far away from the border.




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Some do glide...eg RA-5C

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Some do glide...eg RA-5C


Yeah I've managed it a times before with various aircraft but mainly that's because my fuels dry.


But unfortunately the A-10 doesn't glide all that well when you've been hit at 250ft A.G.L :lol:

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As my old Parachute instructor once said if your Chute's fail... when you hit the ground hold on as its the bounce that kills you... he was twisted that way...


And A-10's dont glide too well as they have a few ton's to deal with the tanks...


Would be nice to be able to shut individual engines down there's many a time I have had a silk let down in the SF series because I cant stop a motor...

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http://forum.combata...image&img=11647 :this:


Whats the best way to do it? :dntknw:


Usually this happens when my A-10 gets hit but 23mm shells but occasionally missiles do the same.


I tend to use Ctrl + I to switch off my engines but the fire starts when I turn them back on. & being without engine power is obviously impractical unless your very close to friendly territory.


The A-10 has armored fuel tanks which are also self-healing & fire-suppressive which help a bit but do these or the engines (also fire-suppressive according to the INI) catch fire? Or both? :dntknw:


Desperately pull at the fire knobs on the screen :p thats what i do....  

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