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External Aircraft Engine Sounds

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I admit up-front that I have no idea how sound files are created for flight sims.


To all you talented mod artists, is there any way that a really, realistic external jet engine sound could be produced when going to an external camera view? I am talking about that deep, bone-rattling, thunderous roar that a Century Series fighter makes.


I would love to go to an external view of a flight of 4 fighters and hear that deep roar as they go by.


Are flight sim sound files synthetically made using some type of sound synthesis software or are they actual recording loops of the real thing?


If I knew how to do this I would be willing to devote some time to it.





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Most of the sounds are actual sounds, but are usually from a database of sounds for other things. Usually, they've been tweaked for applications (I'm not sure exactly if TK has done it this way, but I've seen this for other things).


The problem is that typical amateur recordings of actual aircraft engines tend to turn out bad because the microphone recording them doesn't have the range for the volume and frequencies. And even if you have the proper sound file, a lot of speakers won't be able to reproduce the frequency for the same reason...combination of volume and frequencies.


I honestly haven't found a sound mod yet that quite reproduces that deep bass effect your are looking for. There may be others who can recommend something for you.



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The external sounds on this clip are somewhat realistic, although still not as deep and thunderous as the real thing. I don't know if this is an in-game sound engine or if they inserted a sound track into the video. I think the Virtual Thunderbirds fly with the LOMAC engine.





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Well.... There are even many limitations in this little sim. Here you have only one sound per engine. For comparison FS2004 or FSX allow to use many sounds to give the right "voice" at every rpm setting and the difference if you listen it from the front or the back of the plane (fan/compressor vs. turbine/exhaust).

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The real issue is that all SF engine sound effects are subject to frequency changes as they are directly linked to throttle and RPM. The only exception to this rule is the afterburner sound.

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