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von Baur

No flying, heavy overcast

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So I decided to drive from Bertangles west airfield to Amiens for some sightseeing and maybe to fraternize with one of the local ladies. Stole the CO's Model T Ford, had to drive around a convoy of lorries and then a column of five or six Whippet tanks and some troops that were marching with them. I never made it into town...pranged the motorcar hitting a dip too fast (looked like the car was flipping over backwards and I got sent to the debrief screen, but it sounds better the first way I said it). The Army censor confiscated the pictures of the lorries, tanks and troops (forgot to snap any, but...well, see above), but they let me keep this one taken where the airfield access road meets up with the main north-south road.


On the one hand, kudos to the devs for the level of detail. On the other, no wonder this game requires the resources it does.


And if this has been mentioned before I apologize for repeating it, but I just noticed it. And there might be some other folks who hadn't noticed or heard it.

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You mean, this signpost was REALLY in the sim? No joke???

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Ever see when you drop bombs near a cluster of troops that, if they survive, one will hold up a sign that says "Ha! You missed!"?

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So I decided to drive from Bertangles west airfield to Amiens for some sightseeing and maybe to fraternize with one of the local ladies. Stole the CO's Model T Ford, had to drive around a convoy of lorries and then a column of five or six Whippet tanks and some troops that were marching with them. I never made it into town...pranged the motorcar hitting a dip too fast (looked like the car was flipping over backwards and I got sent to the debrief screen, but it sounds better the first way I said it). The Army censor confiscated the pictures of the lorries, tanks and troops (forgot to snap any, but...well, see above), but they let me keep this one taken where the airfield access road meets up with the main north-south road.


On the one hand, kudos to the devs for the level of detail. On the other, no wonder this game requires the resources it does.


And if this has been mentioned before I apologize for repeating it, but I just noticed it. And there might be some other folks who hadn't noticed or heard it.


I think you just earned yerself a medal as I think you are the first to see my signpost - and yes its the only one I put in....as an easter egg....






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Haha, good one, Winder!

Does this mean, that it might be entertaining to ride around in that Model T,

or even the bicycle? Would one find other things you put in there for fun?


Maybe, I'll do a bike ride around late August, to see if I can find some boletus -

they are my favourite mushrooms.


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It was raining this morning, so I snagged a bicycle that belonged to Johnson-Smythe-Brown (didn't return from his last mission six days ago...no one saw him go down, just never reformed after a scrap over Hunland...too bad, too...nice chap, unlike his cousin Smythe-Owens-Brown...his mother sent the most wonderful macaroons every month) for the same trip. On the way I snapped this (hope the censors don't find out):


Notice how the tank is driving through the truck (or more accurately, absorbing it). Since the soldiers march with the tanks I assume they will as well, though I didn't confirm that.


And while I'm on the subject of the troops, if you've ever done a close flyby you've probably noticed that their legs are stationary as they move along, making for a gliding or sliding effect. Well, if you get closer than about 125 yards their legs start to move. I'm talkin' Jesse Owens move. These guys are on a dead run. It's hillarious. But I digress.


Back to my story. I'd made it, I believe, almost into Amiens when I started going down a moderately steep hill. Unfortunately I picked up so much speed that I wasn't able to avoid a pothole at the bottom of the hill [actually it was the steep angle of intersecting terrains...I'm guessing it may have been the same spot that totalled the Model T yesterday, but can't be positive] and...you guessed it...I pranged the bicycle, as well. When I red-facedly reported the incident to the CO he told me that I had accounted for more squadron materiel losses in the last two days then Jerry had in the last week. He's confined me to base and restricted me from operating any machinery incapable of sustained flight. A real shame, that. I like Reggie and I'll feel just awful about disobeying that order.bye.gif



Back in the 'rea'l virtual world:

So that was a little surprise, huh? Curious how many more there are. Of course, if you told us they wouldn't be surprises any more, would they. I found the guy taking a leak in the back right corner of the hangar (if you look closely you can see his right arm about chest-level, so he's probably actually working on the rudder in front of him, but at first glance blink.gif .....), but it seems to me that one's alread been mentioned.


About this problem of sharp terrain changes. How would one adjust the damage model of the Model T and the bicycle to make them invulnerable, thus making it possible to go past this obstacle? I'd really love to do land tours of some of the local towns just for S&G's. Another question is how can I make the Model T and the bicycle available to my Hun pilots? And could/should the bicycle be changed to a motorcycle considering the speed it's capable of achieving on level ground?



Almost forgot to ask. If that's the only one why there? Any particular significance (I believe RAF 209, Roy Brown's squadron, was stationed there on April 21, 1918) or just happenstance?

Edited by von Baur

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And while I'm on the subject of the troops, if you've ever done a close flyby you've probably noticed that their legs are stationary as they move along, making for a gliding or sliding effect. Well, if you get closer than about 125 yards their legs start to move. I'm talkin' Jesse Owens move. These guys are on a dead run. It's hillarious. But I digress.



the first thing what fell to my mind when i saw the troops "walking" was this song:



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It seems there are strange things going on on the ground. C'est la guerre. :grin:

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Guest British_eh

Although all my observations of ground activity have been from the air. While I've seen a lot of troop activity on the roads, however I've yet to see a horse pulling a cart, complete with moving legs. They were all over in Phase II, but "POOF" they vanished. . . Why ????




Hi there Uncleal,


Rabu was the fellow who put together the dog and pony show so to speak, even had camuflage netting to go over stuff, but haven't seen it in P3





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I have seen cavallery some time ago. But carts pulled by horses - not yet.

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