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New Eagle Driver -- Need tactics advice

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In the meantime that I am waiting for FC2.0 to come out, I have pulled my old copy LOCK ON out of moth balls. I've really been enjoying the game, and feel that I am getting better and better. If I can, let me use the F-15C campaign to illustrate my questions. Anyone who has advice for me on how to be more successful, I would really appreciate it!.


Campaign 1 : HAVCAP AWACS


In this campaign, my tactic has been to grab altitude as soon as I get off the airfield. During my acent, I fly to heading 085, turn on TWS, out to a range of 80, and usually pick up the first MiG-23 right away. Of course I then bug him, his wingman, and his buddies right away. At this point, I will usually give my wingman the command to engage mission and rejoin. Once I have about 20,000 under the wings, and about 400 kts airspeed, I will start a decent to gain airspeed to about 650 kts. I am doing this, because in my understand the AMRAAM has the best results from great altitude, with high airspeed / closure rate. I am usually able to get well within my launch window before I get a launch warning from the MiG-23. It is at this point I let my first AMRAAM go on him. I have rarely seen this tactic not work, as that first Mig usually gets taken out with a good 95% + success rate. By this time I am usually within visual range, so I switch to boresight mode and aim-9's, and engage the rest of the targets. I have noticed, and I am not sure if this is coincidence, that following my use of this tactics, a lot of the other MiGs seem to go cold on me -- Does this mean they are bugging out? At any rate, I have been able to pass this mission pretty much every time I attempt.


Campaign 2: A-10 Escort


In this campaign, my inital tactic is the same as what I descibed above, as the first two enemies you face are two MiG-23's Easy beans, AMRAAMS seem to be making easy work of these. Now for my main issue. The next set of enemies you face are two MiG-29's. These guys are really whipping my butt. It seems my high altitude, 'boom and zoom' tactic is not working for these guys. I have been able to get one of them down with AMRAAM on a few occassions, but the other one always takes me out. From what I can understand, these bandits are employing AA-12's against me? What am I doing wrong on this encounter? Can anyone educate me on proper tactics when facing against Mig-29's and SU-27's?\


My other question involves ECM. Namely, when should you and should you not employ it? From my understanding, active missiles are capable of homing in on ECM sources. Of course, I have tried engaging the 29 drivers both with and without it, with the same result!


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


SSgtShady (USAF F-16 CREWDOG :) )

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I don't have LOMAC but what's your wingman doing while you chase the first MiG-29?


If you are in BVR you can each attack a single MiG-29. That way, you might be able to shoot down both MiGs before engaging in a dogfight.

If you are in dogfight range, while your chasing the first MiG-29, your wingman should cover your back and be able to shoot down the other MiG-29 if it chases you.


If a bandit starts chasing your wingman, you should support him... It will be an easier target than a bandit doing evasive maneuvers. And then both of you attack the remaining MiG.


The AI in the Strike Fighters games are pretty decent and they can shoot down bandits on your tail. As long as they are not too far off and engaging another target.


You say the missle that kills you is the AA-12. It has longer range than AIM-120. So I guess you're on the defensive at the onset. You can try doing evasive maneuvers and also break the lock by flying close to the ground (at least this works in Strike Fighters) and drop countermeasures like crazy. Remember to make your wingman cover your back while you do this.

Edited by jomni

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I will try that when I get home. I think I have been telling my wingman to attack my target!



As far as strike fighters go, I'd love to play that game again, but it doesn't work in Windows 7 :(

Edited by ssgtshady

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