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Nick Tselepides

Sea Vixen

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The Sea Vixen cockpit, and "Red Bull" a/c seen through a Vampire canopy. The navigator sat to the right and rear of a pilot in a small prison cell and was 995 a goner in case of an ejection, the poor geezer....

Note how the cockpit is WWII style, resembling that of a Firefly or Typhoon.


Still, the FAA managed things okay with this bird--- a very potent all-weather fighter of the period capable of taking on 4 MiGs with four Firestreaks in 4 seconds press-tit time ( the time it takes to press the button four times) and lighting big fires up their tailpipes if need be, though this kind of event never came to be, but came close a few times.


An old man's love for an old airplane is like a young man's love for a woman....



The Sea Vampire at bottom, with two Hawks down below, was the Sea Vixen's predecessor in the FAA, another De Havilland twin-boom job, with more chances of escape for the navigator....

Edited by Nick Tselepides

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