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DH-2's of No.24 Squadron 1916

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File Name: DH-2's of No.24 Squadron 1916

File Submitter: quack74

File Submitted: 31 Mar 2010

File Category: Other Entente Aircraft Skins


This download contains a new skin for the DH-2 created by John 'Aladar' Dawson for First Eagles.


I would like to thank John 'Aladar' Dawson for this great model. And I would like to thank Southside Bucky for sharing

his expansive knowledge of the DH-2 colors and markings.


This new skin for the DH-2 is that of No.24 Squadron from early 1916 to early 1917.




"A" Flight - Red wheel discs with red and white striped outer wing struts.


"B" Flight - Black wheel discs with black and white striped outer wing struts.


"C" Flight - Blue Wheel discs with blue and white striped outer wing struts.


The flight leader to all three flights will have a solid color on one of the outer struts.

ex. The first aircraft in "A" Flight will have a solid red outer strut on the left side and right side.

while the other strut remains striped.


This is all done with decals to create the appearance of multiple skins of No.24 Sqn DH-2's

There is only one main skin included.



Enjoy, quack74




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