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No kill like a..... missile kill

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That's just it, its style at it best. Nothing more than satisfying in taking out an entire bomber formation with a unguided nuke! Yeah, nukes are fun.




read this thread after a lil fun last night. tho not a2a, SRAMs are also great for SEAD!

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40 mile AMRAAM kill: Link to video.


Try a 54nm AIM-120 kill in lock on 1.12 against a 104th guy. I was up around 47k and fired about 14nm out of RMAX, gotta love TWS. He was up high also, the missile hit him still doing about 1,000.

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That's not dogfighting, that's "who got the longest one" compeition. :grin:

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That's not dogfighting, that's "who got the longest one" compeition. grin.gif



Yeah, but it's kinda like a hole in one that bounced off of a bird - it wasn't "earned" per se (in the sense of how people refer to guns kills), but still truly awesome when it happens. grin.gif

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