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Trackir Panning Speed In Game

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anyone know where the trackir panning speed is located for the sim?

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Anything wrong with your trackIr then?

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was hoping there was a pan speed control within the sim or it's config files so i didn't need to edit all the points in the trackir software (pain in the butt).


couldn't find one so did the point editing.

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no way around that i'm afraid.. otherwise there wouldnt have been such a fuss over it when they first released it and trackIr was in hyperspeed.


They did speed it down in 1.02 though

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oh there could easily have been - a simple "trackir multiplier" value that defaults at 1 and could be entered. would allow you to easily modify the panning speeds. put in 0.75 and it' would be 3/4 speed. update the panning code to pan in accordance.

Edited by Bard

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there might be but its probably burried deep in the code... There was a lot of clammoring for a hotfix for this when it was released and after 1.01 as well.


It would be nice IMO if a "multiplier" sider was available in the options ingame in all games using trackIR

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hmm, i only use trackir in il2 and falcon4 - both of them have a multiplier of some sort afaik.


would have been a very simple thing to add - even if you left the interface side of things completely alone and put it in a cfg file. say, 15 minute job (basically need to program reading the value from file and also to modify the panning code from "pan N degrees" to "pan (N x multiplier) degrees".

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i agree that it would be nice.


But still its not that hard to edit the trackIr software and set up different profiles for each game

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nope - just a shame that little bit of polish wasn't applied.

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  Bard said:
hmm, i only use trackir in il2 and falcon4 - both of them have a multiplier of some sort afaik.


would have been a very simple thing to add - even if you left the interface side of things completely alone and put it in a cfg file. say, 15 minute job (basically need to program reading the value from file and also to modify the panning code from "pan N degrees" to "pan (N x multiplier) degrees".

Hey Bard, I use the very same TrackIR settings in Falcon 4.0 BMS 2.0 that I set up for use in Lock On and it works exactly the same within both sims. ;)

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you want to send me your trackir profile you created for both?

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