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Mig-15 cockpit for Suez-Crisis

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Until someone will update or create a specific cockpit for the new stock Mig-15 for Suez-Crisis, I'm using the cockpit of Mig-17 by Wrench and Ordway (without the avionics), for this purpose.


Eearly Mig cockpits can be downloaded here:


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i know that krizis is working on a MiG-15 cockpit, but i'm not sure if is there any update.

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Something tells me a Fagot pit might happen in Korea War mod

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Something tells me a Fagot pit might happen in Korea War mod


only in an aviation forum will that phrase not get a stern warning from a moderator. :wink:

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Don't remember if we've even discussed a dedicated, new build -15bis pit for KAW. I guess it would all depend on the cockpit builder's other commitments/workload



kevin stein

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it's also missing the 300ltr slipper tanks; and for some reason, I can' get the old ones from Pasko's Mig-15 to line up at all. Almost like the x/y/z positoning is "off" somehow (which DO happen on old parts in SF2 sometimes) Using the old stand-by Mig17 400s, gives the same result. Positiing is WAAYYY to far forward, and way to far 'in' to the cockpit


still fiddling with it,however, as I'm stubborn.


BTW, anyone figue out the animation number for the canopy? (not the keystrok, the actualy animation for the LOD)????



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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I updated Pasko's bird a while back. It needs more updating (agian) and definitely needs a new FM. It has the Slipper Tanks in the pack as well as TazKillers Engine sound. It also has Orsins pseudo MiG-15 cockpit.

Edited by suhsjake

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I updated Pasko's bird a while back. It needs more updating (agian) and definitely needs a new FM. It has the Slipper Tanks in the pack as well as TazKillers Engine sound. It also has Orsins pseudo MiG-15 cockpit.

Since we have now the Mig-15bis as a stock non-flyable aircraft with it's FM, we need only the cockpit, not the whole aircraft.

I've found the stock FM reasonable enough, although not perfect as flyable aircraft.

Can your bird be used for cockpit only, with TW Mig-15bis?

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Yes it can be used with the Stock TW MiG-15. Unfortunately, I cannot do to much becuase I do not have the new expansion.

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