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What happened to my Google Picture Search ?

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Can't say, when it happened, but when I do a Google Picture Search, I don't get

the pictures shown anymore. I still get a page with the sublines for lots of pics,

but above them are empty frames, and the browser says "loading" all the time.

But he never gets ready.

Does anyone know, what could be the problem?

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Can't say, when it happened, but when I do a Google Picture Search, I don't get

the pictures shown anymore. I still get a page with the sublines for lots of pics,

but above them are empty frames, and the browser says "loading" all the time.

But he never gets ready.

Does anyone know, what could be the problem?


Wonder if your virus scanner is blocking? Which browser are you using? Is there any message in the title bar up at the top?

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I use Mozilla Firefox, and it does updates now and then.

Here is how my search result looks, when the search is done:



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Google Chrome is my favourite...let's face it...it's gonna find a 'Google Picture' isnt it?...lol


You may find clearing out all offline files / cache/ History / cookies etc will help

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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No wonder you're having problems.. it's all in some foreign language!




Sorry, couldn't resist... I have no idea what may be wrong. Hope someone else here can help though, good luck. BTW, Olham, I've always been amazed how good your English is, are you German born?

Edited by rabu

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I did a quick check Olham, I use Firefox so I googled Albatros D III just like you did and the images showed up.



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rabu: BTW, Olham, I've always been amazed how good your English is, are you German born?


Yupp, half Ostfriese, half Berlinner - born in Ostfriesland, which is the north-west corner of Germany.

My (female) English teacher would have liked to read the above. She was really good.


Thank you, Widowmaker and Burning Beard - I'll clear up.

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I certainly suspect an 'evil cookie'

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I have cleared all space, there are no "cookies" in their folder. Still no pics.

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1.Start Firefox in Safe Mode. Choose Continue in Safe Mode.

See if there's any difference. If not exit Firefox.


2.Disable Kaspersky temporarily. Start Firefox in Normal Mode.

Is there any difference? If not exit Firefox and enable Kaspersky.


3. Start Firefox in Safe Mode. Check Reset ALL Users Preferences to Firefox Defaults (the fourth option I think).

Press Make Changes and Restart.

Any difference? No. Then quit Firefox.


4: Start Firefox in Safe Mode. Check Disable All Addons (the first option I think).

Press Make Changes and Restart.

Any difference? I hope so, because I haven't anymore ideas. :grin:

Edited by Von Paulus

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Thank you, von Paulus - but none of them did it.

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Just a thought.. check for the latest updates of Firefox and install, see if it helps, can't hurt?

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