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Need advice on setting up joystick and other controls

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Since I've not played CFS 3, I was wondering, if anyone could suggest what controls were most likely needed to be programmed into my CH 568 Combatstick (USB) and CH Pro Throttle (USB), and whether or not I need to program anything else into my CH Pro Pedals (USB). I realize CSF 3 uses more controls than were actually available to WWI aircraft, but I was curious, does OFF neutralize any of this, or does everyone simply take advantage of the additional control commands in the game?



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Well, I got that part down already. I'm just trying to come up with the best setup possible for my CH controllers. I have the 568 Combat stick, the Pro Throttle, and pro pedals, all USB. That's what I really need help with.



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The pro throttle has one big sliding handle with 3 4-way hats, 1 8-way hat, a mini-joystick, and 3 buttons. It has worked very well for me in many games, including the heavily modded Red Baron 3D, Fighter Ace, and Aces High. The mini-joystick also works as a button by pressing in that lets you switch between modes, so that each button or hat can have 3 different functions assigned to it. http://www.chproduct...o_throttle.html


This is the joystick: http://www.chproduct...l/j_combat.html


And the pedals are, well, pedals. :grin:http://www.chproduct...ail/pedals.html


Thing is, the pro-throttle didn't cost me a dime. I had a slightly older version (that plugged into the PS2 port, and the gamingport, that so many joysticks used to use, before USB.) and board in it, went bad. I ordered a replacement from CH, and tried to install it. Turns out the board had changed and was not compatible with the one I had. The tech guy at CH, sent me the USB version to "evaluate it." as I was one of the many nameless, faceless playtesters on the Red Baron 3D patch. The one that switched Red Baron II to RB3D.


Thing is, under normal circumstances, I'd likely have no problem programming the things myself, but in the last couple of years, I've had trouble concentrating, which my doctor likes to call adult ADD. I call it growing senile at 54. :grin: And with some of my other health problems, I can't take the drugs that they would normally give me for that. In any event, I will see what I can do. Found the info on the knowledge base. Noticed there's programming for flaps, which I'm pretty sure WWI aircraft didn't have either, as well as diving brakes. :yikes:

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Thanks for all that, I'm sure I can put together something that will work with that info. Funny, I didn't know about the Strutter having dive brakes, I guess you do learn something every day. :grin:


Thanks much,

Edited by BigAl56

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Thanks for all that, I'm sure I can put together something that will work with that info. Funny, I didn't know about the Strutter having dive brakes, I guess you do learn something every day. grin.gif


Thanks much,


Big Al,


You can find several CFS3 and OFF profiles at the CH forum. I usually find one that is close to what I want and them modify it in CH Control Manager. Programming in CH Control Manager can be a little intimidating at first, but starting with a known good profile eliminates a lot of the headaches of creating a profile from scratch.


All I have to do to get the profile to work with OFF is to load the profile into memory through CH Control Manager, and OFF recognizes the devices without any problems (at least that's true with my FSPTPP setup).


You didn't mention TrackIR...you can program various views, but the CFS3 viewing system is clunky...you should consider TrackIR mandatory.


Here's a CFS3 profile for CSPTPP that is compatible with OFF: http://www.ch-hangar...ulator-3-CSPTPP


Bonz's most recent OFF Profile for FSPTPP that you could modify: http://www.ch-hangar...hase-III_FSPTPP


Good luck!!

Edited by BirdDogICT

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Thanks for the info, BirdDog. I didn't used to have problems with programing the CH controls. But with the added problem of a bad attention span, it sometimes takes me days or weeks now to set things up, that used to be done in 30 minutes or less. There are times when growing old, sucks. :grin:


I forgot to ask, or look. Does this game have rockets?

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Yes and No . . . No German aircraft can ever use rockets. The rockets utilized belong on a P51, as it's a hardcoded CFS3 item they say; you want rockets use these or none at all. In R/L there was a maximum of 8, which gang fired all 8. Here you are limited to 8, but they fire in pairs. Some Allied aircraft can loadout with rockets, some small bombs, some must remain clean.


However the use of rockets as an offensive weapon is limited to Quick Combat, where you control all mission parameters. The only exception being the 'Balloon Mission' in Campaign


I find them rather enjoyable when used on Locomotives, or bridges


PS . . . another less than enjoyable part of growing old, is the lack of physical stength, to accomplish a task which only scant years ago, you accomplished with ease

I always liked using rockets in RB3D. With a little practice, I could even make air to air hits with them. :yikes: I'm sure it's been asked elsewhere, but are there plans to introduce some of the aircraft mentioned that aren't available in the game yet, like the Morane Parasol?


And I agree with your PS, uncleal. :grin:

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