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what causes an aircraft to show an incomplete shadow on the ground ? :dntknw:

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One issue could be that a certain mesh has too high of a poly count. I think anything below 3k polys would show.

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  On 5/27/2010 at 7:53 PM, Veltro2k said:

what causes an aircraft to show an incomplete shadow on the ground ? :dntknw:




the Mya-4 don't show at all with shadows enabled, too .... maybe this could help .. in understanding (and fixing) this issue.


Paolo :drinks:

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  On 5/27/2010 at 8:10 PM, Old Diego said:

One issue could be that a certain mesh has too high of a poly count. I think anything below 3k polys would show.


checked..its within limits..must be something else

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Have the same prob, Sometimes when an early max file from an earlier 3DS Max is opened and reworked by your current max version it can happen that the mesh is destroyed, not realy visual but saw it on my Su-33UB projekt. When a friend opens it with my current max version he has a completly destroyed fuselage mesh. I can export it and the destroyed mesh was shown as shadow on the ground. As I changed from edit poly to edit mesh, the shadow of the fuselage was completly gone.


Don`t know what causes this issue.

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The other thing that can happen as I have found out is that a mesh can be considered too 'concave' for it to shadow. In other words, take the mesh in question, cover the open holes, and then look at it closely. If it has too many or too large of 'dents' inward, it won't shadow. A simple example would be a bowl. If you model the whole bowl (inner and outer) as one mesh, it won't shadow. But, if you model the bowl as 2 separate meshes (an inner surface mesh and an outer surface mesh), then it does shadow.


That's what I've noticed...



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Your Vautours maybe have the answer:


model B = shadow Ok


model N = shadow bugged



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