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3rdW P-51 Decals and Ini Tweek Pak

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3rdW P-51 Decals and Ini Tweek Pak

3rd Wire SF2 P-51D, USAF Decal Fix, and Data ini Tweeks


=For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs and/or SF2:I, with Expansion Pak 1=


This VERY small mod to the P-51D from SF2 Expansion makes a couple of changes to the stock USAFSilver1 skin, adding the tail tag to the vert fin, and NationName to the wings, as is Historically Correct ™ after October, 1947.


The data ini tweeks add a landing light, the 3 formation lights under the starboard wing, and activate the canopy via a manual animation key (shift/0).


A ww2 pilot figure is included, as I used this figure in the data ini. More appropriate figures would be either of Deigo's USAF50s figures, as by 1948, USAF pilots had done way with the soft leather helmets, and were using the new 'bone domes'. These ARE reccomended replacements.


Full, easy to follow instructions are included. You =WILL= be adding a new pilot folder, and a new sub-folder to the game's main /Decals folder for the "U.S. AIR FORCE" tail tag decal.

As always, it's reccomended you read this document through before installing. It's actually QUITE simple, for a change!! <grin>


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein

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