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Can the 'limited nations' command be used, to prevent Egyptian airplanes to operate above Syrian terrain and vice versa?

Another goal is to prevent IAF/IDF planes, during the Suez-Crisis, to get targets in Syria or Jordan.

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No, unfortunately. It's more a a "global no-fly" statement. Meaning, ONLY the nations listed can be used on that terrain.

On the flip side, that could (and DOES!) mean you'll have EAF or SyAF birds flying from each other airbases.


The only way to turn off, say Jordan, for 56, is to make EVERY target area neutral. That's rebuilding the targets.ini for a specific years; which isn't really all that hard, but you'd need multiple target ini for each 'set' of year grouping.


The other alternative, again needing year-set specific targets.inis, would be changing the start dates for come to beyond the terrain's end year.





Name=Amman International Airport








So, in essence, no, not without major editing



kevin stein

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There IS a 3rd alternative, that I'm using in Korea (for the PRC Antung Airfields) and on the IsrealME that Dave is building the new Suez campaign off of.


But I can't elaborate on it now; it's supposed to be a surprise :grin: But, it too, requires massive editing of both the targets AND types inis.



kevin stein

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