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Capitaine Vengeur

Didn't come with the Mayflower

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A Lady from the high society converses with the local garrison's Colonel.


- Well, Sir, I plan to give a garden-party tonight. Oldest gentry only. Could you make her more attractive by lending me one of your young officers in evening dress uniform? Oh, of course, he should be someone spotless, someone of our world, you see: not a grant-holder from the working class, Jew, Irish, people of that sort.


- Certainly, Milady. I can see exactly what you need.


That evening, the party is on her way, gathering the best aristocratic society of the city, when somebody rings the bell. The Lady comes to welcome her new guest and discovers... a tall dark-skinned officer in impeccable uniform, of the darkest tone!


The shocked Lady, about to faint, begins to stammer:


- B... B... But! There must be a mistake! The... The Colonel must have mistaken, forgotten what I had requested...


- Oh no, Milady, certainly not, the officer answers with a large white grin. Colonel Levi never forgets anything.

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A Lady from the high society converses with the local garrison's Colonel.


- Well, Sir, I plan to give a garden-party tonight. Oldest gentry only. Could you make her more attractive by lending me one of your young officers in evening dress uniform? Oh, of course, he should be someone spotless, someone of our world, you see: not a grant-holder from the working class, Jew, Irish, people of that sort.


- Certainly, Milady. I can see exactly what you need.


That evening, the party is on her way, gathering the best aristocratic society of the city, when somebody rings the bell. The Lady comes to welcome her new guest and discovers... a tall dark-skinned officer in impeccable uniform, of the darkest tone!


The shocked Lady, about to faint, begins to stammer:


- B... B... But! There must be a mistake! The... The Colonel must have mistaken, forgotten what I had requested...


- Oh no, Milady, certainly not, the officer answers with a large white grin. Colonel Levi never forgets anything.

Great.....drinks.gif I had the privilege of experiencing something like that a long time ago. A guy I knew married and his parents did not invite his (field)hockey team for the official party (which was a very aristocratic affair, at least in the eyes of the parents), except for one teammate who was in the officers school of the cavalry at that time. He was requested to appear in his ceremonial uniform, a spectacular piece of kit, including a sabre etc. So the uninvited rest of the team, including the coach - a high ranking diplomat - went to a shop that rented out costumes for theater plays etc. and everyone dressed up as fancy admirals, generals, marshalls etc. and one guy turned up in battledress, fully equiped with everything (including camouflage netting and gas mask and an empty anti tank rocket launcher) except his gun. You should have seen the faces of the parents when we invaded the party.........rofl.gifrofl.giflol.gif

Everyone else liked it very much, so we stayed for a few beers and left..... (and had a lot of beer afterwards at our hockey club !!!)


Hou doe,



Edited by Derk

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