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Q: how to change the coor of the red target box

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Does anyone know which file controls the color of the little red bax that highlights your current target? I have a red/green color issue and it makes it very difficult to see sometimes against the green terrain so I'd like to change the color to something like yellow.

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It's in the HUDData.ini, which you'll have to extract from the FlightData.cat








BoxColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,0.75 <----this line, methinks



and it looks like the color number statements are the as the running/formation lights, so this is yellow:




you can also change the redcone to white, but that might confuse you with the Waypoint marker cone..

Try the color change, and see what you like.


I used tohave a link to a color converter over at Deuces site, but can't find it! (RGB to whatever it is)



kevin stein

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Thank you! (And thanks to TK for making this game so easy to customize). Now I can find grount targets without having to pause the game and hunt for them.

Edited by rogerbacon

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Now I can find grount targets without having to pause the game and hunt for them.



There is another way to see ground targets and keeping more "fidelity" to reality... without pausing game. You could edit the "max visibility" on de data.ini files of ground targets and planes to see them far away... of course, if you are at 10.000 metres from an AAA machine gun with camouflage... you cant spect to see it... but if you edit those entries then you will see the objects edited from one pixel size to total renderization. It worked perfectly for me... i can cleary see an AAA al 4.000 metres, that, whith the ground radar should be enought to locate the targets. Also look for guns smoke when they fire.


Think that the hard point of simulators is to get closer to reality as possible. Its difficult to see from a plane the ground objects... its difficult to see from a jet another planes that are trying to kill you... that is realism... if not... you`re playing an arcade, and making kill ratios of 15 vehicles and 10 planes destroyed per mission... and thats not real.


Im spanish and i dont know if explained well in english, sorry, but hope i helped you. Good Luck! xD

Edited by PvtDK2

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