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Which Payware Scenery Add-Ons should I get?

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I'm confused by the different packages out there and i'm not sure which I should get? So maybe you guys can make some recommendations. I went Real Environment Xtreme's website and that looks like a must own so I would love to build around that. good.gif


The others I see by doing a Google search are Flight Environment X, Ground Environment X, Ultimate Night Environment, Ultimate Terrain X, Active Sky X, X Graphics, Aero Files Texture Booster, Ground Environment Extreme Enhanced.


As you can see that's potentially a lot of money so I want to make FSX as nice looking as possible. My concern is one package might nullify another so as to make it redundant or even worse mess things up. I'm definitely buying Real Environment Xtreme but if you had the choice which ones would you get?

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I only have FS 2004 but base on experience with some of the versions of products for that version I would recommend Active Sky and Ultimate Terrain. Active Sky is one of if not the best weather programs out there. I would also consider looking into freeware where ever possible. There are things that are payware quality to be had at no cost. Look at the file library on the Flightsim.com website.


Like I said I have 2004 but I have kept an eye on FSX so I have an idea of what to get if I ever turn to the "dark side".

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