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AFCAD Question

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I tried to re-create the NAVAIRRES ramp at NAWS Pt. Mugu last night, ten spots each for VP-65,VFA-305 and HCS-5, had to expand the ramp to the north. All spots were orientated to the north roughly parallel to the main runway. I loaded it up today and what do I find? Trees on the ramp extension, fuel station square in the middle of a taxiway and the default hangers in the way of some parking. How do I correct this? As there are only two hangers on that ramp, a Butler Hut near VFA-305's line and line shacks at the edge of the ramp one at each hanger. I am trying to get the parking as true as possible as I spent a good part of my carrer on that base and worked on all three flight lines on the Reserve side.

Any help would be appreciated.

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not sure how to remove trees. I had the same problem at one of my KC-135 bases. From an overhead sat shot the ramp is much different that what I was allowed to create is MS :(

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