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Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

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Nonsense! There is a world of difference between just now noticing and just now whining

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Indeed, Javito! We have brought up all gentlemanly conduct not to whine for six long months, Lou!

(Damn, is it already six months ago? Where did the summer happen?)

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:smile: I promise Gentlemen, once the cold grey days of winter settle in here again in the north country I will get back to Herr Blum's saga.



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Well Gents, I have at long long last gotten back to our German hero, Leutnant Paul Ritter von Blum. It felt like coming home to an old friend, honestly it did. Enjoy!


Paul Blum's Story







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I'm late getting on to this post but have to say "that's a fine piece of work". I hardly seem to get time to fly OFF let alone be that creative. Thanks for making it available to us all.


Cheers, and have a fine cup of tea on me!

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Great to see Paul back in action, Lou! I had not dared to ask for him again;

thought he might have got shot down, or that you had lost interest in him.

But now he is back, and flying.


If I may help with a correction - if the new flyer meant to say: "Did you see how

that Frog partially exploded in midair?!", then it would be in German:

"Did you see how the Frosch practically exploded..."


Frog (singular) = Frosch; Frogs (plural) = Frösche


While the British often say "Frogs" for the French; from the Germans I read more

"Franzmann" or "der Franzos". But however - German grammar is most tricky.


Paul loves his coffee with only cream - no sugar! That's how I like my coffee too!

Very sympathic, that man!

Edited by Olham

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Robert, thank you and I'm glad you will be enjoying Paul's story.


Olham, thank you as well, both for the kudos and the correction. I went back and forth on that word because I could not sort out if it was one of those that was spelled the same in the plural and the singular. I have made the change. And coffee with cream only is the way I drink it too. :smile:



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And coffee with cream only is the way I drink it too. :smile:

Hihi - we seem to be almost a bit brotherly in many ways! :good:

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Ganz ausgezeichhnet gemacht, als immer!


Good to see Paul back, he's such a decent fellow.


Just one point because it IS at the start... 'A week of the worst winter weather Leutnant Ritter von Blum could remember ever seeing in the Alsace had just past'?

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How in the name of Noah Webster did I miss THAT?! Thanks for pointing our my error Dej. You know, I even did a proof read of the whole thing too just before I posted it. Guess it shouldn't have been 90 proof.




And Olham, perhaps we are twin brothers of different mothers.



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Yeah, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito in "TWINS - Only their mum could tell them apart"!

(Question is, who would play which role? Guess I'm too tall for DeVito, but then again...)


Lou, the problem with making a proof read of your own typed text is, that you may later overlook the same

mistake you made earlier. Hapens to me all the time.


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Lou I have been away for awhile playing a sim of my other love Americain submaine warfare in WWII against the INJ. I missed the forum over here today and stopped by. I was happy to see a new installment on your young hero. I immediatly went there to read. your writing and storytelling were great as usual. I may have to remove myself from under the ocean of the Pacific and soar in the Skies of Flanders again soon. I sometimes forget what a fantastic forum this is with so many fine people. Thanks for such a talented story writer. I always find myself absorbed in young Paul's world. I read many books on WWI and WWII, most which are non-fiction. I do believe that if you were to write a fictional historic novel I would try to be the first to buy it. I would of course ask that it be autographed. Thank you so much for your writing, I much appreciate it. Thanks John

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Wow! High praise John, many thanks indeed Sir, and I am very pleased to know how much you are enjoying Paul's adventures. And, since folks here are still enjoying the young Ritter's saga, here is the next installment:


Paul Blum's Story








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Damn, this time you misled me fine, Lou - can't say anymore; won't spoil it for other readers! :good:

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Interessant. Gibt es einen neuen Piloten in der Staffel auch? Bobbi Juing, vielleicht? :grin:

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Olham, I hope I didn't upset you too much with the last episode.


Dej, I don't recall a Dallas in Germany. Although ... Dallas ... Dörzbach ... hmmm ... do I see another sequel in the offing? :grin:


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Lou, I was a bit worried about such an early end for the young Ritter - I wanted to see, how he would get on

further north. He will eventually - if he still lives then - be in Northern Flanders, which will get really tough.

Dej, I guess such immoral guys like JR would have found it hard in the time back then in Germany.

Although - if he was so rich, he might have been possible then too.

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Gave me a fright there Lou. Thought he was done for this time. Great installment, here's to the next one drinks.gif

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