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Stock RAF Hawker roundelsand finflash for WOE 1962 and 1968 campaigns are wrong!

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After four years of playing WOE, I finally realized that the roundels and finflash on the Hunter FGA 9 are wrong for the time periods in which they are used. Low-visibilty RAF roundels and finflashes are generally seen starting in the early 1970s (maybe VERY late 60s). Thus, the early-RAF roundels and finflash should be used for 1962 and 1968. To fix this, simply open the folder for RAFcamo (or whatver the stock Hunter skin is called), open decals.ini, find the words "insigniaLV" or "finflashLV" at the ends of paths, and simply delete the "LV", so they read as "insignia", "finflash". This will give you the proper markings for early-mid 1960s RAF Hunters.

Edited by Kikka

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