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Help with Air Defense Complexes (sam sites)

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I figured it out.


In the BS book it said "All units comprising a SAM system are placed individually". Wrong! I went back and examined the SAM system in the mission "Bomber Escort"(F-15 Missions). They placed a GROUP of 11 vehicles, 3 being radar and 8 SAM launchers. I duplicated that group in my own mission and the little buggers fired away.


Thanks anyway ;)

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Yes, luckily they have pre-made SAM sites you can just drop in the mission. it would be really tedious having to drop those all in by hand. ;)

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Yep, that is nice.


Here's another question. How come none of the other Smerches in my Smerch group fire? The first one fires but the other three just sit there.

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