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Question about "Wingfold" & "Opening Canopy" in the A-6A Intruder stock aircraft?

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How is possible, to add the "Wingfold" and "Opening Canopy" in the A-6A Intruder stock aircraft?? :this:

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You have to make sure the aircraft have those animations in the first place.


If they don't have them hardcoded in the LOD, you aren't going to be able to assign any.



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canopy, no problem


wingfold, not possible ... all 10 animation slots are being used for other things on the aircraft (a detailed study of the A-6A data ini will confirm this). To say nothing of having to rebuild the wingstation mounting points, as if/when the statements for 'movingpylon' and 'rotatingpylon' are added, the weapons move in "odd" ways



kevin stein

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You have to make sure the aircraft have those animations in the first place.


If they don't have them hardcoded in the LOD, you aren't going to be able to assign any.





canopy, no problem


wingfold, not possible ... all 10 animation slots are being used for other things on the aircraft (a detailed study of the A-6A data ini will confirm this). To say nothing of having to rebuild the wingstation mounting points, as if/when the statements for 'movingpylon' and 'rotatingpylon' are added, the weapons move in "odd" ways



kevin stein



Thank you, okay, but which entry I must add in the A-6A_DATA.ini?? :this:

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about halfway down in this thread:




your canopy animation ID will be listed in the /Pilot section of the aircraft's data ini



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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