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CloudScape v3: Two Skies

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CloudScape v3: Two Skies

Cloudscape v3 09/22/2010 by ShrikeHawk


Here's two cloud mods for the price of one. You get a cloud mod for Wings over Israel2 and Wings over Vietnam2. Each uses two cloud images: cloud1.tga and cloud2.tga. These images are different in both, but are interchangeable between the two mods. With just a simple file renaming you can try out any of the clouds in CloudSkins 1,2,or 3 in these mods. Experiment, play with it, and see what kind of skies you can build.


The WOI2 mod is a variation of the new Widesky. The WoV2 mod is a variation of the default environmentsystem.ini.




Thanks to Cellinski and Insky Group for the original WideSky mod and the updated version for Thirdwire's 2nd Gen Sims.


Thanks to Stick for trying it out and for the support.


Thanks to TK for a fabulous sim and the wisdom to make it so moddable.


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