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Weasel Keeper

Mmmm...Beer B*tch (Beer Bear)

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Bear Beer


A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down. He bangs on the

bar with his paw and demands a beer.


The bartender approaches and says, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars in



The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer.


The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, "We don't serve beer to

belligerent bears in bars in Billings."



The bear, very angry now, says, "If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to

eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."


The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears

in bars in Billings"


The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman. He

comes back to his seat and again demands a beer.

The bartender states, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears

in bars in Billings who are on drugs."


The bear says, "I'm NOT on drugs."


.........You're gonna love this.........


The bartender says, "You are now. That was a barbitchyouate."

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:lol: Weasel don't quit your day job!




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