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Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16?

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Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16?

Do you really can fly and fight with a F-16A?


28 gun only dogfight missions



The F-16A Netz is one of my favorit planes in WOI and i know that a lot of people love the F-16A too. I fought a lot of dogfights and scored more than 100 kills with it.

Then i asked me, wheter i won the dogfights by i my flying abilities or by the superior missiles? When i was shot down by a MiG-29 i asked me wheter the enemy plane was better or only the missile.

To get a correct answer i thought a gun only dogfight will show the truth.

So i started to make a seria of dogfight missions between the F-16A Netz and the planes of the period. The F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15A, F-16A, F-20, MiG-21MF, MiG-21bis, MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML, MiG-29A, Mirage 5D, Mirage 2000EM and Kfir C2 i took as enemy in 1 vs 1 gun only engagements. Later, if 1vs1 started to become boring, i made 16 planes air combats. In the most cases it are 4 F-16A vs 12 enemies. For planes with comparable flight performance, like the F-15A or MiG-29A, i decided to make 8 vs 8 engagements.

For me its a big fun and it is challenging, even the hunt on MiG-21MF or Mirage 5 can become difficult and dangerous if enough enemies are around you.

And i hope you enjoy the mission pack too.





Copy all files into your missions folder


Thats it.




III. Be aware


The missions are made for WOI oct2008 patch.


The most planes are stock in WOI, but you still following planes.


At Combat Ace download section you find:

Mirage Factory iranian F-14A, (add on planes/modern era aircraft)

Mirage Factory F-5E Tiger II, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)

the MiG-23ML, (add on planes/cold war aircraft)

Mirage 2000EM (add on planes/modern era aircraft)

And at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 you find the

F-20 TigerShark. (3rd Party Mods)











For remarks, comments, bug report, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.


Hope you enjoy it.



Michael (Gepard)



Made in Germany

November 2010


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